University of Warwick华威大学申请关闭专业名单
华威大学(The University of Warwick),1965年创立于英国沃里克郡和考文垂市的交界处 ,是誉满全球的顶尖综合研究型大学 ,为罗素大学集团和M5大学联盟成员,属于“平板玻璃大学” 。
华威大学在工、商、政、学各界均享有卓越口碑 ,以其严苛的招生标准和优秀的教学及科研质量著称 ,在REF 2014 英国大学官方排名中位居全英第7 [14] ,同Oxbridge、LSE、IC及UCL等并列为世界九大投资银行(Bulge Bracket)在英的6所目标院校(Target School) 。
MAR Central Banking and Financial Regulation
PGA Career-related Learning
PGA Organisations and Labour Markets
PGA Working Therapeutically with Children/Young People
PGA Critical Care: Advanced Emergency Practice
PGA: Critical Care: Pre-hospital Special Incident Management
MSc Economics and Data Science
MSc Human Resource Management and Employment Relations
MPhil/PhD Interdisciplinary Mathematics
PhD Mathematics and Statistics
PG Cert The Principles of Orthodontics
PhD Interdisciplinary Studies(Joint PhD with Monash)
MPhil/PhD, PhD Social Policy and Social Work
MSc Clinical Applications pf Psychology
MPhil/PhD, PhD Creative Producing and Arts Management
MAR Theatre Studies
MA Arts, Enterprise and Development
MA Playwriting and Adaptation: Stage, Screen and Beyond
PhD Open Professional Studies
MPhil/PhD Adult Education and Lifelong Learning
PG Cert Big Data and Digital Futures PG Cert
MA Social Research
MA Literary Translation Studies
MPhil/PhD Finance and Econometrics
MSc e-Business management
MSc Supply Chain and Logistics Management