2020澜湄青年交流 我们共同期待


By mountains and rivers, the Lancang Mekong countries are connected and neighboured closely. During the global affection of the COVID-19, the people along Lancang-Mekong are sharing the same fortune and the common destiny. In February 20th, under the current background of global coronavirus, The Fifth Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Foreign Ministers' Meeting was held, which embodies the tradition of sincere mutual assistance as families among Lancang-Mekong cooperations, and demonstrates the spirit of connected destiny and overcoming difficulties together among Lancang-Mekong countries.


In order to celebrate the Lancang Mekong Week in 2020, we will review the wonderful moments of the Lancang-Mekong Youth Friendship Exchange Program in 2019, send sincere greetings to youth representatives of previous activities, and jointly look forward that the Lancang Mekong Youth Friendship Exchange Program in 2020 can make glorious contributions to regional development.


As a sustainable youth exchange brand program, "Lancang Mekong Youth Friendship Exchange Program " is jointly carried out by the All-China Youth Federation and the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security of Thailand under the framework of Lancang Mekong cooperation. Since 2001, the project has been successfully held 14 times every year, which has given a wide range of positive influences among the youth groups in the six countries of the region.

2020澜湄青年交流 我们共同期待


I haved learned a lot of things from the program, we exchanged views on innovation, technology, sustainable development and youth entrepreneurship.

——柬埔寨青年代表 索希皮塞斯

  Cambodian Youth Delegate Men Sothepiseth

2020澜湄青年交流 我们共同期待


Youth delegates from six countries not only discuss the issue of youth participation in sustainable development, but also share their ideas and experiences in the field of innovation and Entrepreneurship with their own experiences.

——中国青年代表 戴嘉泽

Chinese Youth Delegate Dai Jiaze

2020澜湄青年交流 我们共同期待


This is unforgettable program. To the program, I learned a lot of things and we share ideas and knowledge all the time.

——老挝青年代表 邓奇

Laotian Youth Delegate Duang Chay

2020澜湄青年交流 我们共同期待


From this program, I got a lot of friends from six countries and gained experiences and great memories.

——缅甸青年代表 奈宁威

Myanmer Youth Delegate Naing Ei Wai

2020澜湄青年交流 我们共同期待


This program let us know a lot of foreign friends, learn a lot of foreign culture and accumulate a lot of experience, I hope we can participate in it next time

——泰国青年代表 皮姆

Thai Youth Delegate Pim

2020澜湄青年交流 我们共同期待


To me, it's not just like a program, it's more like a fantastic and charming experience at the same time. So to my all 2020 delegates who are going to take this opportunity soon, I just have one thing to talk to you, that is leading your own brave way and just feel how amazing the journey is.

——越南青年代表 阮玉海

Vietnamese Youth delegate Nguyen Ngoc Hai


This program is a platform for young people to deepen their friendship and an actively advocation for the concept of shared future of human. What’s more, it helps young people better understand The Belt and Road Initiative and guides them to take responsibility as the promoters and builders of regional common development. Let's look forward to the exchange of ideas, the spark of creativity and the collision of inspiration among Lancang-Mekong youth in 2020 again!


We look forward to the Lancang-Mekong Youth Exchange Program in 2020


All-China Youth Federation


Ministry of Social Development and Human Security of Thailand


Wei heping 魏和平


 Wang Junyang 王骏扬


Subtitle Creation/字幕制作

Wang shuocheng 王烁程


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