「匿名文案」總有一個温柔的人 給你帶來最温柔的月亮

I like your eyes full of me when you smile.
I like
I will tell you all my stories when I have a chance
「匿名文案」總有一個温柔的人 給你帶來最温柔的月亮

你很重要 在我這裏 你永遠都有台階可下
You're important. You always have steps to go down with me.
危險我來救你 壞蛋我來修理 温柔我只對你
Danger. I'll save you, bad guy. I'll fix gentleness. I'm only for you
「匿名文案」總有一個温柔的人 給你帶來最温柔的月亮

活在這珍貴的人間 星辰閃爍 雲朵温柔
Living in this precious person, the stars twinkle and the clouds are gentle
我很貪心 既想成為你的星星 又想成為你的月亮
I am greedy. I want to be your star and your moon.
「匿名文案」總有一個温柔的人 給你帶來最温柔的月亮

I hope it will be you in the end.
或許一切沒那麼糟 或許一切都剛剛好
Maybe everything isn't so bad. Maybe everything is just right
「匿名文案」總有一個温柔的人 給你帶來最温柔的月亮

why you are a traditional Chinese character
because it's not that simple
如果想見誰 遲早肯定見得到
If you want to see someone, you will see them sooner or later
「匿名文案」總有一個温柔的人 給你帶來最温柔的月亮

想看山河湖海星河滿天 遇見你 就都有了.
If you want to see mountains, rivers, lakes, seas and stars all over the sky, you will have them.
I look forward to traveling thousands of miles and dreaming with you.
「匿名文案」總有一個温柔的人 給你帶來最温柔的月亮

Only your glory can be like the mist over the mountains
Strive to be a simple, gentle and powerful person
「匿名文案」總有一個温柔的人 給你帶來最温柔的月亮


版權聲明:本文源自 網絡, 於,由 楠木軒 整理發佈,共 1091 字。

轉載請註明: 「匿名文案」總有一個温柔的人 給你帶來最温柔的月亮 - 楠木軒