

In its first official guideline on teachers' rights to discipline students, the Ministry of Education said primary and secondary school teachers have the authority to hand out punishment and clarified the kinds of punishment not allowed.



《規則》對教育懲戒(school discipline)的定義是“學校、教師基於教育目的,對違規違紀學生進行管理、訓導或者以規定方式予以矯治(manage, discipline or correct the students who break rules and regulations),促使學生引以為戒、認識和改正錯誤的教育行為”,明確教育懲戒不是懲罰(discipline is not punishment),而是教育的一種方式。


一般教育懲戒適用於違規違紀情節輕微的學生,包括點名批評(named and shamed)、做口頭或者書面檢討(make oral or written apology)、增加額外教學或者班級公益服務任務(do extra homework or classroom chores)、一節課堂教學時間內的教室內站立(stand in the classroom for one class period)、課後教導(receive after-school discipline)等;

較重教育懲戒適用於違規違紀情節較重或者經當場教育懲戒拒不改正的學生,包括德育工作負責人訓導(receive counseling)、承擔校內公共服務(perform public service on campus)、接受專門的校規校紀和行為規則教育(isolated for discipline)、被暫停或者限制參加遊覽以及其他集體活動(extracurricular activities suspended)等;

嚴重教育懲戒適用於違規違紀情節嚴重或者影響惡劣,且必須是小學高年級、初中和高中階段的學生,包括停課停學(suspended from school)、法治副校長或者法治輔導員訓誡(see a school counselor)、專門人員輔導矯治(go through correction session)等。



一是身體傷害,如擊打、刺扎等(corporal punishment such as striking or poking students with sharp objects);

二是超限度懲罰(hand out excessive punishment),超過正常限度的罰站、反覆抄寫,強制做不適的動作或者姿勢(make them assume physically uncomfortable positions),以及刻意孤立(intentional isolation)等間接傷害身體、心理的變相體罰;

三是言行侮辱貶損,辱罵或者以歧視性、侮辱性的言行侵犯學生人格尊嚴(verbally abuse students);

四是因個人或者少數人違規違紀行為而懲罰全體學生(punish all students for an individual offense);

五是因學生個人的學習成績而懲罰學生(punish students for poor academic performance);

六是因個人情緒、好惡實施或者選擇性實施教育懲戒(hand out punishments based on their personal preference);

七是指派學生代替自己對其他學生實施教育懲戒(ask students to punish their peers)。


校園安全 campus safety

校園霸凌 school bullying

紀律處分 disciplinary punishment

留校察看 probation

限期轉學 transfer to another school within a limited period of time

開除學籍 expulsion from school


(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)


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轉載請註明: 教育部:教師不得以個人好惡選擇性懲罰學生 - 楠木軒