Mao Zedong delivered the reports, "Rectify the Style of Study, Party and Writing"(later renamed "Rectify the Party's Style of Work") and "Opposing Stereotypical Party Writing" in early February 1942. The Communist Party of China (CPC) launched a rectification movement to work against subjectivism to rectify the style of study, to work against sectarianism in order to rectify the style of the Party, and against Party stereotypes in writing in order to rectify the style of writing.
1942年2月上旬,毛澤東先後作《整頓學風黨風文風》(後改為《整頓黨的作風》)和《反對黨八股》報告,提出反對主觀主義以整頓學風、反對宗派主義以整頓黨風、反對黨八股以整頓文風。整風運動在全黨普遍展開。中國共產黨百科∣整風運動 rectification movement
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