money in the bank
“bank”有“銀行”的意思,所以“money in the bank”要是按照字面意思直譯就是“銀行裏的錢”,however,它還有“穩操勝券”的意思。這個短語常在經紀人向潛在的投資人推薦企業股票或其它投資項目時出現。
Dave,it's a sure chance to make some money. The location is perfect,my brother has found a great chef and a real bargain on equipment,believe me,it's money in the bank.
break the bank
“break the bank”可不是“搶銀行”的意思,而是“太貴,花錢太多”的含義。如果你想表達“搶銀行”,可以用“rob a bank”。
1.It only costs $2. That's not going to break the bank.
2.He was put into jail because he robbed a bank last month.
take that to the bank
“take that to the bank”除了“把它帶到銀行”的意思外,還有“可以相信這是真的”的含義。
You can take that to the bank.
be laughing all the way to the bank
短語“be laughing all the way to the bank”字面意思是“一路笑到銀行”,但你知道它的真正意思嗎?它的真正含義是“輕鬆賺大錢,十分得意”。這個短語是在20世紀六十年代開始流行的,所以算是一個比較現代的説法。“cry all the way to the bank”和它表達同樣的意思,只是“cry all the way to the bank”具有諷刺意味。而“laugh all the way to the bank”更為直接,所以它的使用頻率較高。
1.We'll be laughing all the way to the bank if this deal works out.
2.My brothers laughed at me for investing in a movie called The Matrix. They said I would lose all my money while they got rich in real estate. Well, let me tell you, The Matrix turned out to be a huge success! Now I'm the one who's laughing all the way to the bank.
我幾個哥哥都笑話我把錢投資在The Matrix這部電影上。他們説,我的錢會賠光的,而他們的房地產投資一定會發財。我告訴你,結果這部電影一舉成功,現在發財得意的是我,而不是他們。
3.I lost a lot of money due to their investment advice. The stocks they recommended were disastrous. But, what do they care? They still collect their fees. They're laughing all the way to the bank!
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