Photo by Volker Braun on Unsplash
Chinese celebrities could face permanent bans from television, film, livestreaming, and offline events if they fail to comply with the “self-discipline” guideline.違反自律管理辦法的演藝人員或將在電視、電影、直播及線下活動等各平台面臨永久抵制。
這裏的fail to經常用來表示“試圖做某事,但是沒做成”或者“別人期待你做某事,但是你沒有做到”,比如:She failed to reach the Wimbledon Final this year(她今年沒能進温網決賽)。對學生黨來説,fail則更多的是表示“考試掛科”,但是在具體用法上英式英語和美式英語略有不同,比如“我歷史考過了,但是化學掛科了”在英式英語中是“I passed in history but failed in chemistry”,但是在美式英語中是“I passed history but failed chemistry”。
illegal acts such as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs酒駕、毒駕等違法行為
undermining the sovereignty, unification and territorial integrity of China危害國家統一、主權和領土完整
jeopardizing social morality危害社會公德
harming outstanding cultural traditions損害民族優秀文化傳統
fooling audience with lip-syncing in commercial performances在營業性演出中以假唱等手段欺騙觀眾
undermining China's ethnic unity破壞民族團結
engaging in obscene and pornographic activities參與、宣揚涉及淫穢、色情等活動
defaming revolutionary heroes 侮辱、誹謗革命英雄
Offenders of the guideline will face a "joint industry boycott" for one, three, five years or for good, depending on the severity of the circumstances and degree of harm.根據演藝人員違反從業規範情節輕重及危害程度,分別實施1年、3年、5年和永久等不同程度的行業聯合抵制。
這裏的短語for good就是for ever的意思,即“永久,永遠”,比如:She's gone for good(她再也不會回來了)。再補充一個常用的短語,do someone good(對某人有好處),比如:You can't work all the time - it does you good to go out and enjoy yourself sometimes.(你不能一直工作,時不時出去放鬆一下對你有好處)。
Offenders must also submit an application to an "ethics construction commission" three months before their penalty term ends for permission to return to the limelight.
這裏的“return to the limelight”字面意思是“回到聚光燈下”,其實就是“重回舞台(演出)”的意思,the limelight(聚光燈)在中英文語境中都經常被用來指代公眾人物所處的環境,即“大眾的關注”,比如:She's been in the limelight recently, following the release of her new film(新電影上映之後,她最近一直頗受公眾關注)。
自律管理辦法指出,對符合復出條件的演藝人員,由中國演出行業協會向會員單位和個人通報,取消聯合抵制措施,並監督引導其參與行業培訓、職業教育(professional education)、公益項目等活動,改善社會形象(rehabilitate their image)。
職業道德 professional ethics
德藝雙馨 pursue both professional excellence and moral integrity
行為準則 code of conduct
經紀公司 talent agencies
一線明星 A-listers
參考來源:Sixth Tone
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)