The world is full of differences, so we should learn to respect others.
表白是説明心意,不是索取關係。Confession is to explain the heart, not to obtain the relationship.
You can hate something, but you have to allow it to exist and others to like it.
愛你的人會讓你變成更好的人。The people who love you will make you a better person.
We all shine without having to blow out someone else's lamp.
相貌和教養不存在相關性。There was no correlation between appearance and upbringing.
We should get power and happiness from liking, not spend all our power and happiness to like.
誇獎的話你可以脱口而出,詆譭的話你要三思而後行。Praise you can blurt out, slander you want to think twice.
Right and wrong in their own, reputation by others, regardless of gains and losses.
按自己希望的方式生活不叫自私,要求別人按照自己希望的方式生活才叫自私。It is not selfish to live in the way you want, but selfish to ask others to live in the way you want.
遇到不好的事情,酌情處理,適當過濾。If you encounter bad things, you should deal with them as appropriate and filter them appropriately.
別讓娛樂軟件帶着你的三觀走。Don't let entertainment software take your three views with you.
你的性別不該限制你喜歡任何東西。Your gender shouldn't limit what you like.