
Qiushi Journal | Excerpt: 促進共同富裕要把握好的原則一:鼓勵勤勞創新致富

由 申屠仲舒 發佈於 財經

(Excerpts from “Making Solid Progress Toward Common Prosperity” by Xi Jinping, Qiushi Journal, No. 06, 2021 )


First principle for advancing common prosperity: encouraging people to pursue prosperity through innovation and hard work


Just as a happy life is achieved through hard work, common prosperity can only be created with ingenuity and effort. We must stay committed to ensuring and improving people’s wellbeing through development. Making high-quality development the top priority, we will create more inclusive and equitable conditions for people to further their education and enhance their capacity for self-development. This will boost human capital and improve specialized skills throughout society, build up people’s capacity to find jobs and start businesses, and make people better able to achieve prosperity. We must prevent rigidified social strata by maintaining clear channels for upward mobility and creating opportunities for more people to become better-off. By doing so, we will foster a development environment that encourages everyone to participate and dissuades them from getting lost in the ideas of “lying flat” and “involution.”
