海上鋼琴師經典台詞 盤點海上鋼琴師經典語錄對白


1.我才明白到 我們其實在和大海共舞我們和大海 瘋狂的舞者。

I realised that what we were really doing was dancing with the ocean.Us and her, crazy dancers


And this music would have marked the rest of his days.


I was born on this ship, and the world passed me by, but two thousand people at a time. And there were wishes here,but never more than fit between prow and stern. You played out your happiness, but on a piano that was not infinite. 

4.音樂是無限的。在琴鍵上,奏出無限的音樂 。

You are infinite. And on those keys, the music that you can make is infinite. 

5.我不會 讓我的音樂離開我。

I won't let my music go anywhere without me.

6.對我來説 陸地是艘太大的船是位太美的女人,是個太長的旅程 是瓶太濃的香水,是個我不知 該從何譜起的樂章,我永遠無法 走下這艘船。

Land is a ship too big for me.It's a woman too beautiful.It's a voyage too long. Perfume too strong.It's music I don't know how to make.I could never get off this ship.

7.這是音樂家們的決鬥 不血腥 卻帶有恨意,是內心真正的嫉恨 比賽中的曲子是前所未聞的即興彈奏,有時決鬥會持續一整晚 但終究會分出勝負。

It's a musicians thing. No blood, just a little hate.Real hate, under the skin. It riffs like you never heard,It could last all night sometimes, at the end, one would win.

8.你不能讓餘生都像溜溜球那樣 在船上來回往返世界就在那兒 只要過個跳板就到了。

God knows you can't spend the rest of your life traveling back and forth like some yo-yo.The world is out there. Nothing but a gangplank to cross.

9.女人的發稍帶着香氣 一切都閃耀着光芒。

Women had perfume in their hair. Everything glowed.

10.因為若上帝是黑人 當無人得見時上帝,也在這音樂下翩翩起舞。

because that's the music God dances to, when nobody's watching him,assuming that God is black !

11.要離開一艘船是沒問題 但要離開大海就。

You can get off a ship all right, but off the ocean

12.若你只是想要 腳踏實地,那你可能永遠不能 再聽到 那原本近在身邊的天籟。

if you just want to feel something more solid beneath your feet,and if then you no loner hear the music of the gods around you.

版權聲明:本文源自 網絡, 於,由 楠木軒 整理發佈,共 2246 字。

轉載請註明: 海上鋼琴師經典台詞 盤點海上鋼琴師經典語錄對白 - 楠木軒