“middle of the road”別理解成“馬路中間”

大家好,今天我們分享一個非常有用且地道的表達——middle of the road, 這個短語的含義不是指“馬路中間”,其正確的含義是:

middle of the road 温和路線的,中庸的;多數人能接受的,為大眾所喜愛的

They adopted a sensible, middle-of-the-road policy on economy.


My youngest daughter never does anything middle of the road so I'm not surprised you were shocked when you met her.


I really need to get back to New York City where there's some excitement; living in the suburbs is so middle of the road.


These are, for the most part, ordinary middle-of-the-road people who want the usual things out of life.

那 些是對於大部分普通的、中庸的人比較想要的普通的生活。

They play very bland, middle-of-the-road music.


“middle of the road”別理解成“馬路中間”


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轉載請註明: “middle of the road”別理解成“馬路中間” - 楠木軒