


一. 完形填空傳統教學方法的誤區

大家都知道全國標準化高考英語完形填空源於大學完形試題,是出題人故意刁難考生設下的重重陷阱試題之一,滿分30分。共20小題,每一組選項四個入選答案,主要考察動詞,名詞,形容詞,副詞,介詞,連詞,每組選項的詞性相同,每組四個選項甚至至少兩個詞義相近。每小題1.5分,去掉聽力30分,在120分的筆試中,完形填空佔據了,四分之一的分值。其目的當然是為了符合“高考是選拔性考試”這一根本目標,所以故意設計交叉陷阱,讓高生在此題拉開檔次,以便選拔英語人才,也就無可厚非了。但是在傳統教學方法中 ,絕大多數老師採取的方法都是:

1. 先看答案,然後邊翻譯,邊看每一個選項,給學生一個一個講為何選擇答案的原因,結果是:實際考試中這種方法耗費時間,得出正確答案的準確率非常低。因為我們發現許多老師也陷入了在每四個入選答案中,有兩個及其相似的答案無法選出正確的一個。

2. 名校學生與名校老師課堂引起爭議,甚至老師無所適從,無法解釋正確答案。

3. 學生苦練刷題,意圖提高完形解析能力,結果是:簡單完形對一串;難題完形一錯錯一串,傷害自尊後,放棄完形,最後只能考場依靠運氣得分。


Christmas was near. A lady, a friend of the lady and a little girl were shopping in a large shopping center.

After a tiring morning of gift buying, the three 41 to get a bite. They went to 42 in the center. They were 43 when a skinny and dirty boy came up and said to the lady,” Madam, I am hungry. Could you 44 some coins for food? “Without a moment of45 ,the lady reached into her purse, took out a handful of coins and 46 them in the boy’s hand. This 47 didn’t take the little girl by surprise because she was 48 to the lady’s acts of kindness, but the friend of the lady considered her foolish. “How can you be so 49 ?” she said.

Once they were seated, the fiend of the lady 50 telling the lady how she still considered her foolish. Then her criticism was 51 by the same boy. He asked 52 if the lady could give him a little more for a coke.

With a smile on her face, the lady got out of her seat, and 53 the boy to the food counter. There she 54 him a large coke and some tasty food. Years later, this 55 is still fresh in the little girl’s mind.

I’m that little girl. I don’t give 56 children money when they ask for some. 57 ,I walked to the closest food place and buy them the whole meal. I’m afraid I don’t give them enough money for a coke and they might not have the 58 to come back for more. These children should 59 those meals to a lady once considered foolish. I’m 60 to call that lady “Mom”.

41 . A demanded B decided

C. managed D. promised

42. A. bank B. garage

C. bookshop D. cafeteria

43. A. turning up B. queuing up

C. breaking up D. joining up

44. A. spare B. lend

C. pass D. award

45. A. regret B. discomfort

C. disagreement D. hesitation

46. A. placed B. threw

C. counted D. pressed

47. A. gesture B. experience

C. action D. motivation

48. A. equal B. used

C. familiar D. devoted

49. A. reliable B. independent

C. peaceful D. trusting

50. A. continued B. admitted

C. delayed D. mentioned

51. A. resisted B. interrupted

C. ignored D. forbidden

52. A. patiently B. painfully

C. shyly D. wisely

53. A. accompanied B. sent

C. attracted D. dragged

54. A. made B. left

C. bought D. gave

55. A. view B. outline

C. impression D. scene

56. A. sad B. needy

C. brave D. honest

57. A. Besides B. However

C. Therefore D. Instead

58. A. pressure B. right

C. courage D. truth

59. A. owe B. show

C. return D. tend

60. A. eager B. willing

C. proud D. curious

這一篇完形是非常簡單的,同學們能夠對一大串,用傳統思路解析很順暢,但是老師和同學們仍然出現糾結的答案,例如:49,52小題,其中,49到底用reliable,還是trusting?52到底用shyly,還是patiently?他們都是近義詞,49兩個詞是可以依靠的,不過詞法基礎好,邏輯清晰的學生就可以做對了,選trusting。52就不好辦了,大家爭論起來,最後還是依靠後面文段中的courage,選出52應該是shyly。但是也耽誤了考試時間,那邏輯基礎不好的呢?結果可想而知了。如果我們用解完形填空創新妙招72字真經,這幾個菜鳥試題,幾乎不看選項就直接得出:49trusting 52 shyly。


The question of whether war is inevitable is one which has concerned many of the world’s great writers. Before 36 this question, it will be useful to introduce some 37 concepts. Conflict, 38 as opposition among social units or individuals directed against one another, is 39 from competition, which 40 opposition among social units 41 seeking to obtain something which is 42 inadequate supply. Competitors may not know about one another, while those who 43 in a conflict do. Conflict and competition are both 44 of opposition. The meaning of opposition has been stated as a process by which social units function in the disservice of one another, opposition is 45 contrasted to cooperation, a 46 by which social units function in the service of one another. These 47 are necessary because it is important to emphasize that competition between individuals or groups is inevitable in a world of limited 48 , but conflict isn’t . Conflict, nevertheless, is very likely to occur and is probably an essential and desirable 49 of human societies.

Many authors have 50 their arguments that war cannot be avoided on the idea that in the struggle for existence among groups of animals, only those which are best 51remain alive. In general, however, this struggle in nature is competition, not conflict. Those who fail in this competition 52 starve to death or are 53 by other types of animals. This struggle for 54 is not similar to human war, but is like the competition of 55 for jobs, markets, and materials. The most important quality of this struggle is the competition for the necessities of life that are not enough to satisfy all.


用傳統的邊翻譯、邊看每一個選項的辨析方法的結果是:第一組選項就遇到了瓶頸。基礎不好的學生直接選擇了answering,基礎好的學生就會糾結於answering,considering這兩個答案究竟選什麼?在一次實際調查分析中,我發現用此篇完形考察經驗豐富的老師,調查結果是:百分之70 的老師也糾結了!老師都糾結了,學生怎麼辦?老師們解析時候看着答案,結果類似的糾結還體現在38,39,40,41,43,44,45,46,47,49,54,老師們爭論不休,無法合理解釋答案的準確得出,那讓我們學生怎麼辦?很明顯被廣泛使用的傳統完形解析方法,在高考真題面前體無完膚,一敗塗地。





一. 瀏覽統屬, 主旨清楚

我們有句俗語是“只見樹木,不見森林”這也是我們做完型填空是很容易犯的錯誤。眾所周知,完型填空是一篇內容完整,情感飽滿,邏輯順暢,上下貫通,渾然一體的文章,因此,當我們拿到一篇完型閲讀時,必須先要通讀全文,不要着急看選項。不僅要從內容上大概瞭解文章所云何事,也要從整體上把握文章所要表達的情感態度和觀點,更要從結構上剖析並搞清楚文章上下文之間的整體 的邏輯關係,這樣就可以從戰略高度俯視全篇,做到心中有數(術),從容應對。也就是説,我們一定要先做到“心有全局,抓住中心思想,只見森林”,不看孤立樹木。例如高考上述真題,瀏覽統屬,主旨清楚,開篇主旨:The question of whether war is inevitable is one which has concerned many of the world’s great writers.

完形填空是一篇完整的閲讀文章,當然符合閲讀文章的主旨浮現的五大規律:總分總,分總分,分分總,總分分,分分分。其中總就是中心思想。除了分分分,是簡單的閲讀,其他四種我們分析發現:中心思想的找尋我們基本鎖定文章的首尾開頭。因此分析這篇真題完形,我們不難看出中心思想就在開頭這句話。結尾段落進一步解釋昇華開頭的這句中心思想。屬於總分總的閲讀文章規律。把握了中心思想,一切分析就有了水到渠成,準確而順暢的思路(瀏覽統屬, 主旨清楚)。

二. 選項不矚,內在聯鋪



Before 36 this question, it will be useful to introduce some 37 concepts. Conflict, 38 as opposition among social units or individuals directed against one another, is 39 from competition, which 40 opposition among social units 41 seeking to obtain something which is 42 inadequate supply. Competitors may not know about one another, while those who 43 in a conflict do. Conflict and competition are both 44 of opposition.

即使我們不看選項(選項不矚),我們發現,通過句與句的內在邏輯聯繫,這一段是在給我們介紹三個概念Conflict,competition, competition之間的內在聯繫,即:opposition =Conflict+competition*具體方法:在研讀句與句的內在聯鋪(句與句內在邏輯聯繫鋪開思索,)注意前後呼應,語意關聯!那麼,我們就理出來一個簡單的邏輯分析常識:解決問題的基本是:假如一個問題是用一個文段表述:該文段包括句子,句子由概念組成。就是集合問題等於子集句子,元素概念的整合。我們應該遵循:在研究弄明白問題之前,先搞清問題中的元素--概念!然後根據理解了問題的元素概念後,在理解問題子集句子,理解句子之後,再總體掌握文段問題的主旨,最後再解決回答集合問題。----這就是解決問題的邏輯常識思路。所以我們應該先看37後面的意思是:介紹三個概念,當然就應該是在考慮研究問題之前,我們先看看概念這樣一個邏輯思路!因此37不用先看選項也能得出選considering,不是選answering這一個常識性錯誤。

三. 上下百度,邏輯上浮



Conflict, 38 as opposition among social units or individuals directed against one another, is 39 from competition, which 40 opposition among social units 41 seeking to obtain something which is 42 inadequate supply.


四. 瞻前後顧,邏、法審度

Conflict, 38 as opposition among social units or individuals directed against one another, is 39 from competition, which 40 opposition among social units 41 seeking to obtain something which is 42 inadequate supply.

既然我們已經清楚了38,40的答案,瞭解了衝突,競爭的概念,當然就可以通過瞻前後顧,邏(輯)、(語)法審度得出39 肯定是兩個概念不一樣的意思,選出distinguished不就呼之欲出了麼,42 根據詞法短語in…supply,選出in很容易。再瞻前後顧,根據邏輯常識推理,既然社會供給匱乏,大家競爭的目的不是共享,而是獨自佔有,才是競爭啊!所以41不就是independently麼?

五. 生詞重複,構詞歸屬

inadequate supply. Competitors may not know about one another, while those who 43 in a conflict do. Conflict and competition are both 44 of opposition.生詞出現有時候不一定可怕,生詞也許就是構詞法(派生=前綴+後綴;合成,拼綴,轉化,)的規律重組,例如學生不認識inadequate,但是這是構詞法中派生用法的前綴法構詞in+aduquate,in是反義詞,知道adequate充足的當然就知道inadequate是不充足;匱乏的。同理,知道了oppose動詞反對對抗,當然知道生詞opposition是名詞反對,對抗。佟麗麗,知道了compete動詞競爭,當然它的後綴法規律competition, competitors不是生詞,即使忘記了,也能推理出來一個是競爭名詞,一個是競爭者。其他生詞理解也可以照單抓藥。

六. 合理得出,前後圍堵;答案自出,避實就熟

Conflict, 38 as opposition among social units or individuals directed against one another, is 39 from competition, which 40 opposition among social units 41 seeking to obtain something which is 42 inadequate supply. 在分析這段文段時候,我們的妙招思路就是先利用邏輯,語法,詞法,語篇分析,合理得出38,40,42,最後前後圍堵41,利用軍事常識:圍點打援的方法,即:先避實就熟(38,40,2)孤立了難點41,最後根據所有已知的意思,推理未知41,區別的distinguished這個答案不也就水落石出,答案自出了麼?

七. 跳空填補,審核為主;通盤順路,查缺漏堵!


The meaning of opposition has been stated as a process by which social units function in the disservice of one another, opposition is 45 contrasted to cooperation, a 46 by which social units function in the service of one another.

45空,可以跳空,先看46,46與前面的a process by which social units function in the disservice of one another 幾乎結構一樣,屬於寫作五大黃金滿分修辭裏面的parallel(平行結構),46答案是process,再根據上下百度,前段的衝突conflict,與競爭competition的本質區別描述,以及文章上文概念區別描述的審核,還有語法邏輯關係,得出了:45空就是:因此,對抗中,競爭與衝突是矛盾的對立統一,當然45答案就是thus這一結論。


版權聲明:本文源自 網絡, 於,由 楠木軒 整理發佈,共 9578 字。

轉載請註明: 高中英語完形填空正解72字順口溜,早看早受益! - 楠木軒