GRE 填空 500 題精選難點題型實例解析:科學報告需要注重效率

GRE 填空 500 題一直是 GRE 填空備考資料中公認具有較高學習參考的教材,考生如果能夠全部搞懂吃透,填空部分的應試能力無疑會有很大提升。下面小編就來為大家解讀其中具有代表性的難點題型,幫助考生掌握 500 題中的高頻詞彙。

Scientific papers often ( i ) ___ what actually happened in the course of the investigations they describe. Misunderstandings, blind alleys, and mistakes of various sorts will fail to appear in the final written accounts, because ( ii ) ___ is a desirable attribute when transmitting results in a science report and would be poorly served by ( iii ) ___ .

Blank ( i ) Blank ( ii ) Blank ( iii )

A. amplifyD. transparencyG. a comprehensive historical account

B. misrepresentE. efficiencyH. a purely quantitative analysis

C. particularizeF. exhaustivenessI. an overly superficial discussion





有一個分句的內容是完整的, " ( 研究過程中出現過的 ) 誤解,思路和各種錯誤不會體現在報告裏 " ,抓住這個線索,三空都根據這個信息來篩選。

amplify 放大,增強,誇張

misrepresent ( 主觀 ) 刻意歪曲 to give a false or misleading representation of usually with an intent to deceive or be unfair, ( 客觀 ) 不 ( 能 ) 恰當地代表 to serve badly or improperly as a representative of

particularize 詳細描述、逐一列舉説明某事物

blind alley 死衚衕,絕路,沒結果的、錯誤的方向

transparency 透明 ( 的事物或狀態 )

exhaustiveness 詳盡,徹底


人手一本經典 GRE 考試用書 在線免費閲讀

版權聲明:本文源自 網絡, 於,由 楠木軒 整理發佈,共 1232 字。

轉載請註明: GRE 填空 500 題精選難點題型實例解析:科學報告需要注重效率 - 楠木軒