Scorching heat in Britain led officials to shut down runways at an air base and a commercial airport in London on Monday. 高温炙烤下,英國官方18日關閉了一個空軍基地和一個商業機場的跑道。 London Luton airport halted operations on Monday afternoon to repair the runway. The airport said: “Following today’s high temperatures, a surface defect was identified.” 倫敦盧頓機場18日下午暫停運營以修理跑道。機場稱:“今日高温,路面出現損壞。” Passengers on one incoming easyJet flight from Italy were told they were being diverted because of “bits of tarmac melting” on the runway. 從意大利飛往倫敦的一架易捷航班上的旅客就被告知,由於“跑道柏油融化”,必須改道降落。 tarmac /ˈtɑːmæk/ 柏油碎石路面 (尤指飛機跑道)
The east coast line is predicted to experience the hottest temperatures, and some of its infrastructure, including for the wires and track, are more susceptible to damage in heat than other parts of the UK railway. 英國東海岸線將迎來最高温,鐵道上包括電線和鐵軌在內的部分設施,比英國其他地區的鐵路線更易遭受高温破壞。
Network Rail said passengers should consider using the railway on Monday and Tuesday only if absolutely necessary, and, if travelling, they should carry water and be prepared for much longer journeys.
The UK’s Network Rail reported a kink in a section of the rail tracks in central London, noting that its temperature had reached 48 degrees Celsius.
圖源:推特@Network Rail Wessex
With road surfaces and runways melting and fears of rails buckling, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps conceded much of Britain’s infrastructure “is just not built for this temperature”.
Standing outside Buckingham Palace under the glaring sunshine, the Queen's Guard sweat through their heavy military uniform and thick bearskin caps. glaring:刺眼的;炫目的
The guards say they feel like a 'pressure cooker' under their tunics and helmets - and are being brought mugs of water on trays to help them stave off heatstroke . stave off :延緩、避免 heatstroke:中暑
One police officer was even pictured pouring water into a guard's mouth to keep him hydrated. hydrated/ˈhaɪdreɪtɪd/:保持水分 dehydrated /diːˈhaɪdreɪtɪd/ 脱水的
As London grapples with a sweltering heat wave, the city's charities and even its mayor are trying to help some of the poorest people in the capital stay cool.
Meanwhile, UK cinema chain Showcase said that Brits with red hair, who may be more sensitive to hot weather, can see any film for free in its theaters on Monday or Tuesday.