




隨便打開她的一條視頻,都能有超過百萬的播放量,其中她自彈自唱的英文歌曲《Fly Me to the Moon》在社交平台的觀看量已經突破了500萬。

她甚至一人承包了整個樂隊,包攬主唱、和聲、吉他、貝斯、鼓、鍵盤,演繹了經典歌曲《Hotel California》。

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Zhou Zhaoyan, a six-year-old girl from Nanjing, east China's Jiangsu Province, became popular on Chinese social media, attracting hundreds of thousands of fans from all over the world. Videos of her playing and singing with a guitar touched many netizens. Her innocent voice was transmitted via the internet across the world, bringing warmth and happiness to people trapped at home due to the epidemic.

For more than three years, Zhou's father spent all his sparetime teaching her. At first, Zhou played it as a hobby. But from the age of four, she started practicing one to two hours a day after school, playing piano and drums as well.

He said after the outbreak of COVID-19 this year, Zhou's music lessons grew longer than because she could not go out. "She played up to five to six hours every day, so the progress is very huge," he said.

Although Zhou sings as seriously as an adult in the video, she is a lively pupil in real life. "Compared to writing homework, it is easier to practice the guitar," Zhou said, smirking.

Zhou can play and sing five English songs. According to her father, the one with the longest lyrics is called "Hotel California."












美國音樂家,也是Miumiu彈唱《I’m Alright》的詞曲作者Neil Zaza轉發視頻並配文:“6歲!他們越來越年輕了!”

布魯斯和爵士樂大師Paul Asbell也驚歎道:“只有六歲的你是怎麼做到彈唱巴薩諾瓦爵士樂的?”

意大利音樂家Bruno Zuchetti更發郵件熱情邀約Miumiu共同參與他歌曲的演奏,並強調自己會請三位意大利著名音樂家來給她伴奏。

Italian musician Bruno Zuchetti attached a video to his email, saying that he found three of Italy's most famous musicians to help him perform the song "Fly Me To The Moon" as an accompaniment for Zhou.

"Started from the heart, I was moved to see your daughter, play and sing so well. I hope you like it, and I wanted to ask you if I can publish it," Zuchetti said in the email to Zhou's mother.




Musicians from various countries were also encouraged by the video, who picked up instruments and performed in an online ensemble with the girl, hoping to disperse the shadow cast by the epidemic through music.





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