角色名:小喬 CN:Lor筱逆
Half Love, Half Desire :Love Is Poisonous. Open wings Dark And Elegant Let''s kiss goodbye- True Love,Poisonous. Half Noble,Half Pure.Dark and Elegant.Half Love. Half Desire- Let‘s Kiss Goodbye. To Tune The Opening Dance, Death. Evil Looks Good. Does The Frog Think He Is a Prince? Oh,The Toad Wants To Eat The Swan Meat- The Noble Swan Princess. The Other Guys Are In For Me To Walk On. Curse,Release. Spread The Love Contagion In The King World Open Wings! #小喬天鵝之夢# :@Lor筱逆 妝:@村口有棵桑葉樹 攝:@切勿憂傷_ 排版/後:@小聖AnX @RtZero後期工作室 服裝:@LYG天河動漫 場地:@達米拉小鎮