(作者:電子科技大學西非研究中心團隊,執筆人:Bruce Emmanuel(電子科技大學公共管理學院、西非研究中心助理),譯者:張海琳(公共管理學院)
1. 利比里亞教育概述
利比里亞是西非國家之一,以蒙羅維亞市 (Monrovia) 為首都。該國與塞拉利昂、幾內亞和科特迪瓦接壤。根據世界銀行(2019年)的數據,利比里亞近33.2%的人口(493.7萬人)沒有受過教育,只有31.1%受過初等教育,而35.75%受過中等和高等教育(UNESCO,National Review Report 2015)。從1989年至2003年,利比里亞的教育受到政治不穩定的影響,因此導致包括基礎設施發展在內的教育系統中斷(International Institute for Educational Planning, 2011)。在動亂期間,利比里亞30%的公立學校和24%的社區學校都被摧毀,導致利比里亞大多數城市的學生入學率下降。由於教育是國家發展的關鍵,在動亂後,利比里亞政府打算通過塑造個人的身體、心理、道德發展,為所有公民提供平等的優質教育機會,並通過提供確保健康、自由、安全、經濟福祉以及參與社會和政治活動所需的環境保護人權 (Ministry of Education, Liberia2018)。
2. 利比里亞政府和其他組織應對教育挑戰的措施
儘管局勢動盪,利比里亞的教育制度在過去十年中經歷了巨大的發展和改革。根據《世界數據地圖集》(2015年),儘管利比里亞政府打算為全國所有人提供優質教育,但文盲率依然很高,為53%。然而,根據2013年利比里亞人口和健康調查的報告,在長達14年多的內亂期間,缺乏必要的教材和合格的教師影響了利比里亞教育系統的質量。實際上,政府已經開始實施各種戰略,以改善利比里亞城鄉的教育系統(Fashina, 2017)。
此外,美國國際開發署 (USAID) 與利比里亞教育部合作,解決了利比里亞教育系統中與入學、教學質量和改善管理有關的教育挑戰。從加速素質教育(AQE)計劃中引入的加速學習計劃(ALP)旨在解決8-15歲的失學兒童問題。更重要的是,利比里亞的加速素質教育計劃(AQE)將幫助教育部將加速學習計劃(ALP)監管框架制度化,併為學生過渡到正規教育系統做好準備。該四年計劃針對48000名失學兒童,為他們提供優質教育。預計近780名教師將從專業發展機會中受益,以提高利比里亞的教學質量(USAID 2017)。
3. 利比里亞教育的入學率和完成率
為了改革教育制度,利比里亞政府以普及教育為目標,提出並啓動了改革議程,把教育放在優先位置。利比里亞設立了1-9年級兒童免費義務教育方案。在入學方面,1981年利比里亞招收了303168名學生,2015年招收了146萬名學生。與利比里亞的高等教育相比,初中(JH)和高中(SH)的入學率更高。入學率的提高最終加劇了政府資源的壓力,包括提供教師和教室(EMIS 2015)。
利比里亞的非政府學校的入學人數(即私立學校、教會學校和社區學校)佔學生入學總人數的46%。私立、教會和社區學校招收了該國大部分學生。2015年,私立學校和教會學校佔ECE入學人數的41%,小學入學人數的44%,JH入學人數的55%,高中SH入學人數的77%(EMIS 2015)。在過去幾年中,私立學校的入學人數大幅增加。2007/2008年,私立學校的入學人數增長了18.3%,2015年增長了29.8%。
4. 利比里亞教育法案
5. 教育支持和其他教育財政援助
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[10] UNESCO. (2011). Fragility and education inLiberia. Paris: UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning. Retrieved September 4, 2021, from http://www.iiep.unesco.org/en/publication/education-and-fragility-liberia.
[11] UNESCO (2015). National Review Report 2015.Accessed at https://en.unesco.org/gem-report/report/2015/education-all-2000-2015-achievements-and-challenges.
[12] UNESCO (2017). Education in Liberia. RetrievedSeptember 2, 2021 from https://www.usaid.gov/liberia/education.
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1. 構建一個人才培養基地。中心將協助拓展來華留學生的西非生源,豐富電子科技大學本科、碩士、博士多層次留學生培養體系;開展西非海外幹部培訓、師資培訓、定製化ICT與工程培訓、學生暑期實踐項目等,致力於構建集學歷教育、在職培訓、實訓實踐為一體的多元化、特色化的海外人才培訓基地;幫助中資企業培養本土化人才,解決經濟與社會發展問題。
通訊地址:成都市高新區(西區)西源大道2006號電子科技大學清水河校區西非研究中心綜合樓450辦公室。About Center for West African Studies of UESTC
1. Introduction
TheCenter for West African Studies of University of Electronic Science andTechnology of China (CWAS of UESTC) is a research center jointly established byUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), University ofGhana (UG), University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana Institute of Management andPublic Administration (GIMPA), University of Education, Winneba (UEW), and Universityfor Development Studies (UDS) in April 2017. The Center is based in the Schoolof Public Affairs and Administration at UESTC and is headed by ProfessorShuRong Zhao.
Theestablishment of CWAS is an important initiative of UESTC to pursue China’s“Philosophy and Social Sciences ‘Going Global’ Strategy” and a beneficialpractice for UESTC to build an international interdisciplinary research systemand a new type of high-level “Think Tank”.
InMarch 2021, the CWAS of UESTC was accredited by the Ministry of Education ofChina as the Center for National and Regional Studies for Universities.
2. Research Direction
Research Targets: Focusing on Ghana, Benin, Senegal, and othermajor West African countries and West African regions.
Research Areas: China-West Africa politic science, economic andsocial development, public administration, education, literature and culture,etc.; China-West Africa economic and trade cooperation; China-West Africaintergovernmental relations.
3. Mission and Goals
TheCenter for West African Studies, together with five member institutions ofuniversities in Ghana, UESTC Alumni in West Africa for West African Studies, andthe Ghana Chinese Chamber of Commerce, strives to create a "1 + 1 +1" new research model of China-Africa cooperation, which integrates a TalentTraining Base, an Academic Exchange Platform and a Think Tank for West Africanstudies. It aims to:
(1) To serve as aTalent Training Base. The Center helps to expandthe source of international students from West Africa and enrich themulti-level international student training system of UESTC for undergraduate,master, and doctor. Also, it carries out overseas cadre training, teachertraining, customized ICT and engineering training, and summer practice programsfor students in West Africa, and devotes itself to building a diversified anddistinctive overseas talent training base which integrates academic education,on-the-job training and practical training, and cultivates local talents forChinese enterprises to address economic and social development problems. (2) To build an AcademicExchange Platform. Through regularly holdinginternational academic conferences such as Forum on West African Studies,organizing China-Africa Friendship—Academic—Culture Exchanges Month, andpromoting overseas exhibitions of 3D platforms for cultural resources andChina-West Africa International Industry-Academia-Research Cooperation Project,the Center is committed to building a platform for China-Africa exchanges andcooperations in various fields such as academics, humanities, science andtechnology, and enhancing the influence and cultural soft power of Chineseuniversities and enterprises in Africa.(3) To establish a ThinkTank for West African studies. The Center iscommitted to research on economic, political, and humanistic exchanges in WestAfrica by utilizing the disciplinary strengths and featured research of itsmembers both in China and abroad. It works to strengthen cooperations with WestAfrican think tanks such as the Imani Center for Policy Education (ranked 113in global think tanks) and the Institute for Statistics, Social and EconomicResearch (ranked 164 in global think tanks) as part of efforts to enhance jointresearch, and collectively publish and undertake research projects on WestAfrican studies. The Center also aims to propose policy advice to the Chinesegovernment and West African countries, provide high-level think tank servicesfor China in fields covering talent training, science and technology services,economic and business management, and public and political governance. And, italso strives to become an influential think tank center for West Africanstudies.
4. Memberships
West African Members:
University of Ghana(UG),University of Cape Coast(UCC),Ghana Institute of Management and PublicAdministration (GIMPA), University of Education, Winneba(UEW),University of Development Studies(UDS),West African Alumni Association.
UESTC Members:
School of Public Affairs and Administration, School ofManagement and Economics,School of Foreign Languages,School of International Education,School of Marxism,Office of Scientific Research &Development;, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, School ofInformation and Software Engineering.5. Websites and Wechat Official Account
Chinese Website:https://cwas.uestc.edu.cn/sy.htm
English Website:https://cwas.uestc.edu.cn/English/Home.htm
Wechat Official Account:gh_bfde9ecc926a
6. Contact Us
Address:Office 450,Center for West African Studies, Qingshuihe Campus, University of ElectronicScience and Technology of China, No. 2006, Xiyuan Avenue, High-Tech Zone (WestDistrict), Chengdu, China.