印度網友熱議: 印媒: 印度負擔得起高鐵嗎? 網友: 要想富, 先修路, 少生孩子, 多 種樹


印度網友熱議: 印媒: 印度負擔得起高鐵嗎? 網友: 要想富, 先修路, 少生孩子, 多 種樹


  If you want to become rich, first build roads, having fewer children, and a variety of trees

  要想富,先修路,少生孩子,多 種樹

  That's exactly what we don't want since we want to stay poor..... I mean the common people should get poorer & the rich should get richer.


  Having said so China has done good, ateast vast majority are well off, India will require more time but we are not too far.


印度網友熱議: 印媒: 印度負擔得起高鐵嗎? 網友: 要想富, 先修路, 少生孩子, 多 種樹

  Nice to see you are here. Chinese say "To get rich, build the road, have few children but grow more


  You need to mention how dirty the existing trains are...we need to phase out the old junk machinery with the newer ones and with newer swanky stations even if it comes at a cost....


  India can ill affort bullet trains. The laying of tracks is very very expensive.


印度網友熱議: 印媒: 印度負擔得起高鐵嗎? 網友: 要想富, 先修路, 少生孩子, 多 種樹

  No question of affordability. It is necessicity. When we have world class airports, air services, select few nuclear power nation and aims to be superpower, I feel it is absolutely necessary to have such world class services for masses.


版權聲明:本文源自 網絡, 於,由 楠木軒 整理發佈,共 1450 字。

轉載請註明: 印度網友熱議: 印媒: 印度負擔得起高鐵嗎? 網友: 要想富, 先修路, 少生孩子, 多 種樹 - 楠木軒