《邁克爾·傑克遜:就是這樣》(Michael Jackson's This Is It)是一部詳實記錄世界流行音樂天王邁克爾·傑克遜生前最後一次演唱會彩排盛況的電影紀錄片。影片的素材來自MJ生前彩排時側錄的數百小時影像,還包含了對MJ最親密的朋友和合作者的採訪,也是他留給這個世界最後的精彩。
1.謝謝你,邁克爾,我很興奮!你激勵了我生活中一切 你就是我的動力,你是我跳舞的理由
Thank you, Michael. I'm excited.You've inspired everything in my life. My energy.You're why I dance.
2.我這輩子最大的願望就是 能夠與邁克爾一起工作,我曾經與很多傑出的藝術家合作過,但是,你要知道,在我看來 這次才是真正的巔峰,邁克爾是個完美主義者
It's like a lifelong dream for me to actually work with Michael.I've worked with a lot of great, great artists,but, you know, I consider this, like, really a pinnacle.Michael's a perfectionist.
3.他才華橫溢並富有創造力,他可以從比任何人都更深沉的情感中 汲取靈感
His talent runs so deep in creativity.And he draws from a deeper emotion than anybody else I've ever seen or worked with.
You really turn me on,You knock me off of my feet,My lonely days are gone
I'll be there with a love that's strong,I'll be your strength, I'll keep holding on
6.我想說,作為邁克爾這次演出的創作夥伴,這已經成為我創作生涯裡 最非凡的經歷之一
I just wanna say as Michael's creative partner in this venture this has been one of the most extraordinary experiences of my creative life.
7.就像沐浴在月光裡一樣 你必須要讓它醞釀一下,你明白嗎?
Just bathe in the moonlight. You have to let it simmer a bit, you know?
I love you.That'll be the ending of this under the words.
I really feel that nature is trying so hard to compensate for man's mismanagement of the planet.
10.讓我們保持狀態,有信心,有信念,我需要你們拿出所有的耐力 耐心和理解,這是一次冒險,這是一次大冒險
Let's continue and believe and have faith.Give me your all, your endurance, your patience, and your understanding.But it's an adventure, it's a great adventure.
11.觀眾想要一次美好的體驗 他們要逃避現實,我們要帶他們去他們從未去過的地方,我們要讓他們看到他們從未見過的天才
They just want wonderful experiences, they want escapism.We wanna take them places that they've never been before.We wanna show them talent like they've never seen before.
We're putting love back into the world to remind the world that love is important.Love is important. To love each other.