每週英語報紙速讀 第一週
現在開始,每週英語報紙速讀將進行周更,文章選取的不僅重點話題,也重點考慮到文章的用詞趣味性和實用性,下面的這段文字是選自衛報足球版塊,歐冠半決賽首回合(first leg),巴黎聖日耳曼1:2告負,日常生活中觀察不同行業內朋友的說話特點,可以更好地體會和學習不同語言的趣味性
The French championscalled the tunein the first half, scoring early through Marquinhos and with Neymar in the mood, running through his magician’s repertoire. At that point, it was difficult to foresee what would follow, even if City had flickered a few times in the final third.
上半場比賽中,巴黎控制住了局面,使用了call the tune(控制)這個俚語表達,running through his magician’s repertoire (展現了他魔術師般的表演),英語口語和寫作是一個重要的語言輸出埠,是非常考驗自己綜合能力,因此英語學習並不是機械的,內部知識之間也並不是割裂的,很多人經常把英語拆成詞彙、語法、聽力、閱讀、寫作、口語等七零八碎的部分單獨學習,所以在學習過程中必然缺失了很多東西,說話和寫作是屬於創作性的活動,多學習和積累別人的 別人優勢且自己不懂的知識,然後自己多加實操性演練,沒有哪個演說家是光看不練就可以吸引觀眾的
The six Premier League clubs who had signed up to become members of a European Super League pulled out on Tuesday night, less than 48 hours after the competition had been announced.It was a startling collapse which began with news that Chelsea, who were playing Brighton at a Stamford Bridge surrounded by protesters, were about to abandon the project.In the end Manchester City became the first club topull the plug (終止).