2021考研英語必須熟悉的熱門話題 “健康”

2021考研英語必須熟悉的熱門話題 “健康”


“健康” 在考研英語中是一個基本的常考話題,多年來在閱讀、寫作和完型各部分的真題中反覆出現,主要涵蓋生理健康、心理健康和公共衛生健康。例如,2010年英語二的完型文章講的就是關於2009年在墨西哥首先爆發的豬流感病毒H1N1在全世界的迅速傳播和美國研製疫苗應對疫情的事。

2020年初到現在,冠狀病毒 (COVID-19)在全世界大流行,人們開始格外重視衛生和健康,考研的學子們,無論從個人健康的角度和應對考研英語的角度,都必須具備關於衛生和健康的基本常識。現小結如下:

WHO = World Health Organization 世界衛生組織.

Global epidemic=pandemic 全球流行瘟疫. Health care n. 衛生保健,

Sanitation n. 公共衛生,hygiene n. 衛生、保健學,health condition 健康狀況, healthy diet 健康飲食 healthy life style, 健康生活方式,

fitness n. 健康、健身 gym n. 健身房 .

Sanitize v. 消毒, Washing hands with soap 用肥皂洗手, fever n. 發燒,

cold n. 感冒, regular exercise 經常鍛鍊, psychological stress 心理壓力,

social distancing 保持社交距離.


Physical exercise enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. It strengthens muscles and improves the heart function. According to the National Institutes of Health, there are four types of exercise: endurance, strength, flexibility, and balance.

Sleep is an essential component to maintaining health. Ongoing sleep deprivation has been linked to an increased risk for some chronic health problems. In addition, sleep deprivation has been shown to correlate with both increased susceptibility to illness and slower recovery times from illness.

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轉載請註明: 2021考研英語必須熟悉的熱門話題 “健康” - 楠木軒