年近90的袁隆平院士全程飈英語演講 向世界介紹超級雜交水稻
“i think i speak very poor English,but anyway i dareto say,this is very important.”這是袁隆平爺爺謙虛的開場白。
素材綜合整理於 Rosie英語口語微課堂
畢業典禮的英文是 commencement 「開始」
學英語方法、暑假班、雅思託福、留學規劃、新概念英語 關注:烤鴨學堂
Jim Carrey 金凱瑞
美國喜劇演員、金球獎得主金凱瑞,2014 年在瑪赫西管理大學在畢業典禮上的致詞,收起電影裡一貫的笑鬧不正經,他分享了在演藝事業成功的秘訣,從父親放棄夢想卻仍被開除的故事裡得到啟示,鼓勵畢業生們選擇自己所愛。
You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.
【take a chance on 碰運氣】
You have to take a chance on asking her out.
學英語方法、暑假班、雅思託福、留學規劃、新概念英語 關注:烤鴨學堂
Meryl Streep 梅莉史翠普
【corset】 (n.) 束腹
You, young women of Barnard have not had to squeeze yourself into the corset of being cute or to muffle your opinions.
【muffle】 (v.) 裹著;抑制
I can’t hear your voice clearly. It sounds muffled.
學英語方法、暑假班、雅思託福、留學規劃、新概念英語 關注:烤鴨學堂
Bill Gates 比爾蓋茲
微軟創始人比爾蓋茲夫婦 2014 年受邀在史丹佛大學的演講,以「樂觀」為主題,用自身投入慈善事業的經歷,勉勵這群優秀的社會新鮮人,要解決貧窮、疾病、教育匱乏的問題,除了樂觀,更不能缺少的是同理心以及創新,在他們身上看到了名人發揮影響力的重要性:
Optimism is a conviction that we can make things better – that whatever suffering we see, no matter how bad it is, we can help people if we don’t lose hope and we don’t look away.
【turn away】 轉過臉、不面對
You will see suffering that’s going to break your heart. And when it happens, don’t turn away from it. That’s the moment that change is born.
學英語方法、暑假班、雅思託福、留學規劃、新概念英語 關注:烤鴨學堂
Ellen DeGeneres 艾倫・狄珍妮
脫口秀女王 Ellen 在杜蘭大學畢業典禮上,發表史上最有趣的畢業演講,她沒有真正從大學畢業,卻在「社會大學」得到一生的歷練與智慧:
The most important thing in your life is to live your life with integrity and not to give in to peer pressure to try to be something that you’re not.
【give in】 屈服;讓步
They had been asking me all week, so I finally gave in and told them.
It was so important for me to lose everything because I found out what the most important thing is, is to be true to yourself
學英語方法、暑假班、雅思託福、留學規劃、新概念英語 關注:烤鴨學堂
Charlie Day 查理・戴
You cannot let a fear of failure, or a fear of comparison, or a fear of judgement stop you from doing what’s going to make you great.
學英語方法、暑假班、雅思託福、留學規劃、新概念英語 關注:烤鴨學堂
Tim Cook 提姆・庫克
喬治華盛頓大學 2015 畢業典禮,蘋果 CEO 庫克用一個 Iphone 的笑話開場,以幽默的方式演講,希望同學們在吃飽肚子的前提下堅持夢想:
The sidelines are not where you want to live your life. The world needs you in the arena.
網友“CH小阿超”:一個女孩衣服上寫著: nothing is going to be handed to you, you have to make things happen.
花式點贊螢幕,多種多樣形式的熱情留言刷爆了評論區,“inspiration ”(很受啟發)是網友對馬雲演講的普遍評論。“豎起大拇指”和“愛心”是網友使用最多的表情,大家用刷屏的方式對馬雲的發言表達認同和感謝。
這位老人叫Bruce Thelen,是一名資深律師。1980年,28歲的他第一次到中國杭州旅行,遇到了在當時杭州唯一一家對西方人開放的酒店外面“趴活兒”的導遊馬雲。其實當時16歲的馬雲“趴活兒”也不是為了賺錢,而是練習英語。“他告訴我他的名字,還問我他能否帶我參觀一下這座城市。他說他想要練習英語。”
結束了在場內的演講之後,馬雲見到了 Bruce, 他還承諾如果Bruce再去杭州,會給他做一次免費導遊。這距離他們第一次見面,已經過去了30餘年。而30餘年,在馬雲的理論和經歷中,都是一段足以發生顛覆性改變的時間。
I kept convincingmyself (勸服我自己) that it was just over the horizon, around the next corner. Nothing worked. And it was really tearing me apart (tear me apart, was+ doing過去進行時).Part of me kept pushing ahead to (推動自己去) the next achievement. And the other part kept asking, ‘Is this all there is?’ I went to grad school at Duke looking for the answer (找尋答案). I tried meditation(冥想,注:這可以是你喜歡的活動). I sought guidance in religion(我在宗教中找到指引,seek的過去式為sought,注意介詞用in).I read greatphilosophers and authors (表達的豐富性).And in a moment of (在…時刻) youthful indiscretion, I might even have experimented with a Windows PC (I might have..常用用法), and obviously (apparently, obviously的使用會讓表達變得地道) that didn’t work.
Don’t let that noise knock you off(noise很地道和貼切,knock sb. Off 把某人打倒) course.Don’t get caught up in the trivial aspectsof life. Don’t listen to trolls and for God’s sake (for sb. Sake 看在某人的面子上) don’t become one. Measure your impact in humanity not in the likes, but the lives you touch; not in popularity, but in the people you serve.I found that my life got bigger when I stopped carrying about what other people thought about me. You will find yours will too. Stay focused on what really matters. There will be times when your resolve to serve humanity will be tested. Be prepared. People will try to convince you that you should keep your empathy out of your career.Don’t accept this false premise.
So what are we waiting for? It’s time for (it is time for…是時候) our generation-defining public works.How about stopping climate change before we destroy the planet and getting millions of people involved manufacturing and installing solar panels? How about curingall diseases and asking volunteers to track their health data (記錄健康資料) and share their genomes? Today we spend 50x more treating people who are sick than we spend finding cures so people don’t get sick in the first place (一開始, 起初). That makes no sense (這毫無意義). We can fix this (我們可以解決它). How about modernizing democracy so everyone can vote online, and personalizing(加ing是因為省略how about)education so everyone can learn?
These achievements are within our reach(我們可以達到).Let’s do them all in a way that gives everyone in our society a role. Let’s do big things, not only to create progress, but to create purpose. (這句很妙,可以積累)
And your education gives you more than knowledge.It gives you the power to keep learning and apply what you know to improve your life and the lives of others. Because you are beginning your careers with one of the best educations in the world, I think you do have a special responsibility to give others the chance to learn and think for themselves, and to learn from them, so that we can have the kind of open, fact-based debate necessary for our democracy to survive and flourish (存在和繁榮). And alongthe way (在這個過程中), you may be convinced to (被說服) change your mind (改變想法) from time to time(時不時). You know what? (地道俚語) That's okay. Take it from me (take it from…口語中對於“學習、取自”的一種表達),the former president of the Wellesley College Young Republicans.
成功的秘訣是什麼?勤奮,堅毅,聰穎,好運氣……可能都是必備要素之一。但 40 歲才見事業起步的徐小平老師有自己的成功秘訣。
30 年前,他來到加拿大薩斯喀徹溫大學,獲得全額獎學金攻讀音樂系碩士。
20 年前,畢業即失業,在音樂公司創業失敗、做過披薩外賣員之後,他回國加入新東方。
10 年前,新東方上市之後,他轉身成為“第一天使”,幫助有志向創業的年輕人實現自己的夢想。
30 年後,他回到母校薩斯喀徹溫大學,被授予榮譽法學博士學位,並以導師大衛·卡普蘭博士命名、捐贈設立音樂系獎學金和音樂系首席講師。
在 6 月 7 日舉辦的畢業典禮上,他與畢業生們分享了這一系列跌宕起伏的人生經歷留給他最寶貴的成功秘訣—— “生命以獲取而續存,卻因給予而繁盛”。
(演講影片,全長 14 分鐘,含中英文字幕)
尊敬的校監 Romanow 先生、校長 Stoicheff 先生、政府代表、出席嘉賓、教師代表、畢業生、朋友、女士們、先生們:
Ladies and gentlemen. Chancellor Romanow, President Stoicheff, government representatives, distinguished guests, members of the faculty, graduates and friends: This honor means everything to me. I am truly grateful. Thank you so very much.
我的新學位使我成為了 2017 年畢業生中光榮的一員。在這個美好的日子裡,請允許我向各位同學們,以及你們的家人、朋友們獻上一句簡單的祝福,我要向你們了不起的成就表示熱烈祝賀!
My new degree makes me a proud member of this Class of 2017. To my classmates, your parents, your families, may I offer a simple message: For the great achievement you share on this wonderful day, Congratulations!
For me, it is especially flattering to be called a Doctor of Laws. Let me tell you why. Long ago, after I earned my Master’s Degree in music, I still didn’t know what to do. So I considered studying at the College of Law. I attended exactly one class, in contract law. Right then and there, I knew that law school just wasn’t for me. One class – and yet here I am with this beautiful, impressive degree as a Doctor of Laws. Those of you graduating from the law school today, who worked and struggled for your degrees, would be entitled to reflect that life is not always fair.
Sometimes we get more than we deserve. I know this, because it is how I have always felt, about what I received from the University of Saskatchewan. The university has honored me, but really, I am here today to honor the university.
30 年前的 1987 年,我和我妻子和我決定走出國門,看看外邊的世界。如果你在北京的地下室住過,渴望換一種風景,沒有什麼比加拿大遼闊的草原風光,會給你帶來更震撼的體驗(笑聲)。
Exactly thirty years ago in 1987, my wife Ling and I decided that we were ready to see the world beyond China. If you had lived in a basement in Beijing, and desire a change of scenery, it doesn’t get any more different than the Canadian prairie.
Ling applied to study music here and was immediately accepted. I, on the other hand, had to wait. I went to Washington, D.C., with a hundred dollars in my pocket, and found a job. So my wife was alone with her violin in Saskatoon. I was three thousand kilometers away on the kitchen staff of Mr. Eggroll.
The happy day came when I was also accepted at this university. Nobody was ever as excited as I was to spend three days on a Greyhound bus to Saskatchewan. Ling and I had both received scholarships. That made all the difference for us. The same amount of money would have taken many years to earn in China at that time. We were amazed that such a gift could be granted by people who did not even know us.
滿懷著摯愛之情,我想起我的研究生導師 David Kaplan 博士的仁愛胸懷。認識他的人,都會感到認識他是一種幸運。他是音樂系的創始人。對於我們外國留學生而言,他是淙淙流淌的友誼、幫助和鼓勵的源泉。Kaplan 博士是我生命中一盞明燈,指引著我像他幫助我一樣去幫助別人。
With special affection, I recall the generous spirit of Dr. David Kaplan. If you knew him, it was a privilege. He was the founder of the music department. To many foreign students, he was a source of constant help, friendship, and encouragement. Often in my life, Dr. Kaplan’s example has shined before me, a reminder to share with others as he shared with me.
I received so much from the University in those years, but life beyond campus was not nearly as forgiving. Upon graduation, it didn't take long for me to realize that I would not make my fortune as a performing musician. As much as the world loves the sounds of Mozart and Bach, the world was not waiting to hear them from my violin. I started my own music business, but business was slow. I wrote and recorded folksongs, but the folks were not listening.
這段時間對於我來說的確是舉步維艱。我在家看孩子,靠我妻子教書養家。我也嘗試做過各種各樣的工作,其中一種工作,對速度節奏和交割時效要求極高——在座如果有人在 1995 年叫過必勝客披薩的外賣,我們很可能曾經有緣相逢(笑聲)。
It was truly a difficult period for me. I watched our children at home while my wife taught school. I took various jobs, including one job that involved fast-paced and time-sensitive transactions. If anyone here received a delivery from Pizza Hut in 1995, there is a good chance we have met before.
I do not recommend a period like that in your own careers, if you can avoid it. But sometimes it happens anyway. That doesn’t have to be the end. It can even mark a late beginning, as it did for me. Even in my darkest moments, I had a sense of who I was and what I could do. More than once I failed, but I refused to give up. I knew in my heart that I was here on earth to achieve good and meaningful things. I never let any failure take that conviction away.
Sustained by this feeling, I went back to China and joined a small English school in Beijing called New Oriental. China had opened up and many young people were eager to see the world. I threw myself into the work of helping them find opportunities to study abroad. I shared everything I knew to serve them in every way I could.
Ten years later, after that school, New Oriental Education, went public in the U.S., many of my former students returning from overseas approached me looking for money for their business ideas. At the time in China, there was no such thing as angel investing. I understood these men and women, because I knew what it was like to be rich in ideas and poor in money. So I began to finance their start-up dreams and became an angel investor before I knew it.
被人們稱之為“成功人士”是一件讓我高興的事。說實話,我感到慶幸,命運對我實在非常寬厚仁慈。但我不會用財富排行榜來衡量成功,也不會用能夠買得起什麼來評判成敗。我衡量成功的標準,不僅僅是自己如何戰勝逆境,而是如何也幫助他人反敗為勝。《悲慘世界》中主教對冉阿讓的一句話讓我非常難忘:“無論我們的生命多麼微不足道,我們要傾盡一切與他人分享。”我不記得我的朋友 David Kaplan 博士是否聽說過這句名言,但他確實踐行了這種美德。我的人生,因為他和他所象徵的薩斯喀徹溫大學,而變得更加美好。
I am happy to be called a success today – and frankly, still a bit relieved. It was a close call. But I do not measure success in rankings of wealth. I do not measure it in the things I can buy. I measure success, not just in overcoming one’s own adversity, but in helping others overcome theirs. My favorite line in the musical Les Miserables is from the Bishop: “Though our lives are very humble. What we have, we have to share.” I don’t recall if my friend Dr. David Kaplan ever heard those words, but he certainly lived them. And mine is just one life that he, and this university, changed for the better.
In business, in law, in any work we do, all of the same things are true about succeeding. First jobs – maybe even second or third ones – are not always dream jobs. Yet there is one opportunity that we never have to wait on – that is the chance to give our best, to give without holding back, and to give more than what is asked. We can do that in every position, high or low. We can do that in every circumstance. Every day, at every turn, we are needed; there are good things that only we can do. That’s how we show who we are, and find success along the way. There is great wisdom in the saying: We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
For each one of you graduating here today, I wish a great career and a happy life. And I hope that you will always share the feeling I have toward this university: respect, affection, and gratitude for all it has given to us. The kindness and generosity I received here long ago still touches me. May these years of learning leave a gracious mark on you as well.
2017 屆的同學們,我祝你們好運連連,幸福滿滿!
Classof 2017, I wish you good luck and great happiness.
Thank you very much.
別看徐老師操著一口泰興英語,發音不甚精準,但是他對於文字的那股較真兒的勁,只能用“偏執狂”來形容。他不僅僅對英文演講原稿錙銖必較,就連中文翻譯都親自打磨出了 7 個不同版本。
比如,對於演講中的點睛之筆 “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”,他就嘗試了4 種翻譯:
留言寫下你的讀後感,點贊數量最高的 10 位朋友,將免費獲得徐小平同款真格珍藏版摺扇。