
[en]The summer job is a rite of passage for many kids, who are encouraged by their parents to get out of their hair and go and learn valuable lessons about responsibility, the value of money and hard work.[/en][cn]對很多青少年來說,暑假兼職是人生的必經之路,他們在父母的勸勉之下,放下浮躁的心態,透過這堂寶貴的社會課堂學習責任感,正確的金錢觀,懂得刻苦努力的重要性。[/cn]

[en]Whether you were saving for a bike, your first car, a prom dress or whatever, we all went in with high expectations of independence and feeling like a proper adult. However those expectations are not always met![/en][cn]不論你賺錢的目的是為了買腳踏車,購置人生第一輛私人汽車還是買一件畢業舞會上穿的禮服,開始投身到兼職中去時我們總是滿懷期待,希望能自由獨立起來,我們幾乎感覺自己已經是合格的成年人了,可是,現實往往不盡如人願。[/cn]

[en]Jimmy Fallon did us all a service by asking people to share their worst summer job experiences in one of his legendary hashtag challenges. Needless to say, there are some absolute classics in there! Scroll down to check out a list of Bored Panda's favorites below, and feel free to share your own in the comments![/en][cn]美國脫口秀主持人JimmyFallon素來喜歡在社交網上發起各種傳奇式的標籤話題挑戰賽,他為我們做出了一項巨大的貢獻:請人們在社交網上分享他們最糟糕的暑假兼職經歷。不用多說,大家曬出的段子裡有不少貨真價實的經典笑料。BoredPanda精選了一組上述段子,往下翻看一看,在評論區裡暢所欲言吧![/cn]


[en]1.I worked at a historic site once where I had to dress as a bison and be chased by hordes of 5 year olds in a bison hunt. Once after being killed in the bison hunt I was breathing too heavily from running. One of them yelled”it’s alive”and punched me in the face.[/en][cn]我在一個歷史博物館工作,要裝扮成野牛的樣子,在一個名為“捕獵野牛”的活動中被一群5歲的熊孩子狂追。有一次我被他們獵到後,他們把我“殺”了,可是,由於我剛被狂追了一陣,還在猛地喘氣,一個熊孩子大喊“它還活著”,然後在我臉上狠狠揍了一拳。[/cn]

[en]2.I was 10 and went to my grandfather farm he gave me 10 $ to be a scar crow. I stood there in the sun yelling for an hour until my mom came and yelled at him.[/en][cn]我10歲的時候,去外公的農場玩,他給了我10美元,讓我去扮稻田裡的稻草人。於是我頂著大太陽在田裡站了一個小時,還要大聲吼叫。直到我媽來了我才解脫,她還吼了我外公一頓。[/cn]


[en]3.I was hired at an elderly people’s home for patients with dementia. On my first day I accidently pressed the door button and the old people escaped. We had to run through town rounding them up.[/en][cn]我受僱在一個老年之家做兼職。那裡的老人都有老年痴呆症。入職第一天我不小心按了一個按鈕,把大門打開了,於是那些老人都逃了出去。我媽不得不跑遍全鎮才把他們都捉回來。[/cn]


[en]4.As a public school teacher in North Carolina, I don’t make much money. So I had to deliver pizzas one summer. My second delivery was to one of my former students. Her first words,”what, you get fired?”[/en][cn]作為一個在卡羅來納州北部公立學校教書的老師,我收入微薄,一年暑假我不得不送披薩外賣賺錢。我的第二單生意送到了一個過去的學生家裡。她看到我的第一句話是,“什麼,你被炒魷魚了嗎?”[/cn]


[en]5.Woring at a nursing home at 17 year old. A woman of 79 year old accused me of stealing and wearing her adult diaper to steal her 87-year-old boyfriend cause It padded my butt and made me appear to have a butt like hers that he loved. She never allowed me in her room after that...[/en][cn]17歲的時候我曾經在一個養老院做兼職,一個79歲的老奶奶控訴我偷竊還擅自穿了她的成人紙尿褲。她說我穿她的紙尿褲的目的是墊襯自己的屁股,好讓我的屁股看起來像她的,而他男朋友就喜歡她那樣的屁股。從那之後她再也不讓我進她的房間了……[/cn]


[en]6.Had a job walking five chihuahuas. When they got tired, I had to carry them home. TWo in my arm, two on my shoulders and one on my head.[/en][cn]要溜5只吉娃娃,它們走累了我還要把它們抱回家。兩隻抱在手裡,兩隻搭在我肩膀上,還有一隻騎在我的頭上、[/cn]


[en]7.When I had to play Kid(uncredited) every summer for 3 years.[/en][cn]連續3年每年都去當群眾演員,每年演的都是“某小孩”[/cn]


[en]8.I was babysitting two kids. One ran out the front door, one went out the back. When I ran around the house to find them, they ran back inside, locked me out, and turned the sprinklers on.[/en][cn]給兩個寶寶當保姆。其中一個朝前門跑,一個往後門跑。為了找到他們我跑遍了整個屋子,他們又掉頭跑回來,把我關在外面,還把花園裡的灑水器打開了。[/cn]

[en]9.I earned $30 working construction for a temp agency one day in college. When I finished, there was a $35 parking ticket on my car. I refer to it as the day I paid to work...[/en][cn]有一次在一個大學校園裡為臨時工中介幹活,賺了30美元。完工後,我發現自己要支付35美元的停車費。我把這一天稱作我為了工作而自己掏錢的日子。[/cn]


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轉載請註明: 你做過的最奇葩的兼職是什麼?大家的回覆太神奇 - 楠木軒