
2020年11月20日,國際絲綢城市網路視訊會議順利召開,來自巴西、中國、法國、喬治亞、義大利、日本、西班牙、烏茲別克等8個國家的行業組織、絲綢城市代表參加會議,會議由里昂大都會區、里昂市政府、法國絲綢協會主辦,法國絲綢協會會長、愛馬仕紡織控股總經理Xavier Lepingle主持會議。

On November 20, 2020, the Video Conference of International Network of Silk Cities and Metropoles was successfully held. Industry organizations and silk city representatives from 8 countries including Brazil, China, France, Georgia, Italy, Japan, Spain, Uzbekistan participated in the conference. The conference was hosted by Lyon Metropole, Lyon and Intersoie France. Mr. Xavier Lepingle, president of Intersoie France, CEO of Hermès Textile Holding, presided over the meeting.



張國強 國際絲綢聯盟主席

李啟正 國際絲綢聯盟秘書長

卞幸兒 國際絲綢聯盟副秘書長

劉雙雙 國際絲綢聯盟秘書


Renata Amano  國際絲綢聯盟副主席、巴西絲綢協會會長

Shigueru Taniguti  Bratac執行長

Luciana Casagrande Pereira  巴拉那州文化總監

Elietti de Souza Vilela  巴拉那州文化主任


向峰  南充市商務局局長

何文明  南充市商務局副局長

李偉  國際絲綢聯盟副秘書長、南充市繭絲綢協會會長

張平  南充市商務局繭絲綢科工作人員

萬江  南充市商務局繭絲綢科工作人員


Helene DROMAIN 里昂大都會區副主席

Nathalie Perrin GILBERT 里昂大都會區副主席

Sonia ZDOROVTZOFF 里昂市副市長

Xavier Lépingle 國際絲綢聯盟副主席、法國絲綢協會主席、愛馬仕紡織控股CEO

Cédric Brochier 法國絲綢協會財務主管,Brochier Soieries董事長

Christophe Meunier 里昂市和大都會區外交部門主任

Pierric Chalvin  里昂紡織企業聯盟(UNITEX)總幹事

Anne Cecile Caschera 法國絲綢協會秘書長,UNITEX秘書長

Céline Pardon 里昂絲綢節&UNITEX;代表

Valérie De Rosa  里昂市和大都會區國際部負責人


Monsieur Ilia Eloshvili 第比利斯副市長


Stefano Vitali國際絲綢聯盟副主席、義大利絲綢協會會長

Guido Tettamanti國際絲綢聯盟副秘書長、義大利絲綢協會秘書長

Livia Cioffi 科莫市文化、旅遊和活動理事會成員

Maria Antonietta Marciano 科莫市政府代表

Anna Pastore 義大利(里昂)文化研究所所長


Okamoto  橫濱市國際事務局執行主任

Shimada Asako 橫濱市國際事務局國際關係部代表


Vicente Haba 瓦倫西亞旅遊和城市區域主管


Sardor Salimov 烏茲別克駐法國大使館大使

Biburmirzo OBLOKULOV 撒馬爾罕市市長

Asror KHAYITOV  布哈拉市副市長

Zarina ACHILOVA  布哈拉輝煌絲綢有限責任公司代表


里昂大都會區副主席Nathalie Perrin Gilbert、Helene Dromain分別發表致辭,向與會嘉賓介紹了里昂絲綢歷史文化、產業概況和“國際絲綢城市網路”的背景。里昂市副市長Sonia Zdorovtzof向與會嘉賓介紹了國際城市網路在國際合作中的重要意義,希望能夠以此為契機,加強絲綢城市間的交流與合作。

Ms. Nathalie Perrin Gilbert and Ms. Helene Dromain, vice president of Lyon Metropole, respectively delivered speeches, introducing the history, culture and industry of Lyon silk, and the background of "International Network of Silk Cities and Metropoles" to the guests. Ms. Sonia Zdorovtzof, deputy mayor of Lyon, introduced to the guests the importance of international city networks in international cooperation, hoping to take this as an opportunity to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between silk cities.


Mr. Zhang Guoqiang, chairman of International Silk Union(ISU), was invited to give a speech. He expressed that the "International Network of Silk Cities and Metropoles" aims to use silk as a carrier to promote exchanges and cooperation, mutual benefit and development between cities of various countries at the international level. In 2020, the Covid-19 epidemic poses new challenges to the healthy, stable and sustainable development of the global silk industry. The international silk industry needs to further strengthen exchanges, maintain interaction, and develop together. ISU hopes to continue to support the construction and development of the network, promote communication and cooperation between silk industries in various countries.


Subsequently, city representatives from Brazil, France, Georgia, Italy, Japan, Spain, Uzbekistan and other countries gave speeches on the history and culture, development status, impact of the epidemic on the industry and response measures, further improvement of the silk industry in their countries and regions, hoping to strengthen the mutual cooperation of silk cities and promote the comprehensive, healthy and sustainable development of the silk industry.

里昂市和大都會區國際部負責人Valérie De Rosa介紹了“國際絲綢城市網路”的組織機構與章程,明確了“國際絲綢城市網路”的發展目標、會員類別、運作機制和行動計劃。

Valérie De Rosa, international department of the City and Lyon Metropole, introduced the organization and charter of the "International Network of Silk Cities and Metropoles", and clarified the development goals, member categories, operating mechanisms and action plans of the network.


The 5 identified orientations of the network was clarified, committed to in-depth development and communication in a certain field, every orientation has the leader and co-leader. Participants introduced the industrial characteristics, platform advantages, and expandable cooperation of their respective cities in combination with their certain orientation, hoping to enhance exchanges through the "International Network of Silk Cities and Metropoles", and promote cross-regional cooperation between silk cities.


Five orientations:

1. 絲綢-文化和旅遊勝地影響力和吸引力的推動者

Silk, a driver of influence and attractiveness as a tourist and cultural destination


2. 絲綢-創新驅動者

Silk, a driver of innovation


3. 絲綢-知識和專業技能的核心轉化者

Silk at the heart of the transfer of know-how and professional skills

4. 絲綢-可持續迴圈的重要紡織材料

Silk as a key textile material of sustainability and circular economy


5. 絲綢-優質生產地

Production of quality silk


南充市商務局局長向峰介紹了南充市市情、市景、市貌及5000年絲綢文化歷史、產業現狀和未來夢想。 並表示南充將以一片桑葉傳承5000年絲綢文化,以一片桑葉帶動千億絲紡服裝產業叢集發展,以一片桑葉為引領走向開放的世界——讓南充走向世界,讓世界走進南充。

Xiang Feng, the director of Commercial Bureau of Nanchong, introduced Nanchong's city conditions, city views and appearance, 5000-year history of silk culture, industry status and future development. He expressed, Nanchong will committed to inheriting the 5,000-years silk culture, promoting 100-billion cluster developments of silk spinning clothing, and going to the world, Letting Nanchong go to the world, the world go to Nanchong.


The meeting also determined that the first meeting in 2021 will be held in Uzbekistan. Participants watched a promotional video of Uzbekistan together and got a taste of the textile history and culture of the meeting place in advance.

最後,來自法國里昂的絲綢設計師Isabelle Moulin向與會嘉賓介紹了“錦繡世界”主題展覽,透過挖掘各絲綢城市元素進行再設計,展示了絲綢之路的交融薈萃。

Finally, Ms. Isabelle Moulin, a silk designer from Lyon, France, introduced the exhibition of "Un monde en Soi(e) ". The exhibition through the redesign by digging out various silk city elements, showing the blending and fusion of the Silk Road.




版權宣告:本文源自 網路, 於,由 楠木軒 整理釋出,共 6587 字。

轉載請註明: “國際絲綢城市網路”8國成員舉行線上視訊會議,聯盟主席張國強發表主旨講話 - 楠木軒