
Muttonoffalsoup is also very popular, featuring chopped, cooked offal such astripe,liverandintestine. The offal,thoroughlycleaned in waterrepeatedly, is usually cooked with more condiments and seasonings to remove the strongodor. The meat is boiled in water and then cut in slices or strips before they are stewed in a pot of water with ginger, rice wine and leeks. The soup can be flavored with asplashof chili oil for extra spiciness and warmth.
Both mutton soup and mutton offal soup areideal to serve withhot buns and flatbread, which can also be broken in smaller pieces anddippedin the soup to soak up the delicious broth.
offal [ˈɒfl]
n. 內臟;垃圾;碎屑;工業下腳
tripe [traɪp]
n. 肚子;內臟;廢話
liver [ˈlɪvə(r)]
n. 肝臟;生活者,居民
intestine [ɪnˈtestɪn]
n. (脊椎動物的)腸;(無脊椎動物的)腸管
adj. 內部的;國內的
thoroughly [ˈθʌrəli]
adv. 徹底地,完全地
repeatedly [rɪˈpiːtɪdli]
adv. 反覆地;再三地;屢次地
odor ['əʊdə]
n. 氣味;名聲
splash [splæʃ]
v. 潑灑;把(水、泥等)潑在……上;(在水中)濺著水花行走;(在顯著位置)刊登
n. 落水聲;拍水;濺上的液體;色塊;(非正式)摻飲料的少量液體;(非正式)要聞;(非正式)引人注目的效果
dip [dɪp]
v. 浸,蘸;(使)下降,下沉
She dipped a hand into the jar of sweets and pulled one out.
Maybe we could just buy some dips.
TCMingredients can also be added in mutton soups and stews toboosttheir health benefits, such as danggui (Angelica sinensis), huangqi (Astragalus root) and dangshen (Codonopsis pilosula). Some people also prefer to add whiteradishin the soup, which is soft and flavorful after taking up the rich flavors of the mutton.

For traditional mutton hotpot, fresh mutton isessential, and it is usually sliced by hand before serving for the ideal texture. To assess the quality of the meat, observe the mutton slices served on dry plates. If the slices stick on the plate when it’s heldvertically, the mutton is of excellent quality. Fresh mutton also turns white or grey after being dipped in boiling water. The hotpot is usually cooked in a charcoal-fired copper pot.
The classic sauce for mutton hotpot is using sesame paste as a base and seasoning with fermented bean curd sauce, scallions and garlic.
Mutton spine, which is known as yangxiezi, or “mutton scorpion” for its shape, is a cheaper cut of meat but boasts huge flavors when it’s stewed with heavy spices and sauces. The spine part includes both bone and tender meat, and the rich broth cooked with more than a dozen varieties of herbs, spices and condiments is perfect for cooking simple vegetables as hotpot.
中醫 (traditional Chinese medicine)
boost [buːst]
vt. 促進;增加;支援
vi. 宣揚;偷竊
n. 推動;幫助;宣揚
radish [ˈrædɪʃ]
n. 蘿蔔,小蘿蔔
essential [ɪˈsenʃl]
adj. 基本的;必要的;本質的;精華的
n. 本質;要素;要點;必需品
vertical [ˈvɜːtɪkl]
adj. 垂直的,直立的;[解剖] 頭頂的,頂點的;[植]縱長的,直上的
n. 垂直線,垂直面;垂直位置
The gadget can be attached to any vertical or near vertical surface.
第一期:????舌尖上的美食——winter jujube 雖然好吃,請適量!
第三期:????舌尖上的美食——一碗羊 湯好過冬!