導語:我放下手中的筷子.退出玩到一半的遊戲.暫停正在播放的電影.洗手洗到一半擦完溼漉漉的雙手來回你的資訊.這就是我對你的態度.I put down my chopsticks. Quit halfway through the game. Pause the movie in progress. Wash your hands half way through and wipe your wet hands back and forth with your message. This is my attitude towards you.
結語:生氣和失望是兩回事 生氣可以吵可以鬧但失望是漸行漸遠悄無聲息銷聲匿跡你以為我在跟你賭氣其實我在跟你告別.Anger and disappointment are two different things. Anger can be noisy and noisy, but disappointment fades away and goes quietly. You think I'm angry with you, but I'm saying goodbye.