What does it take to become an astronaut?
Wang Yaping is scheduled to become the first female Chinese astronaut to spacewalk following the suc
Wang Yaping is scheduled to become the first female Chinese astronaut to spacewalk following the suc
She is a pilot-turned-astronaut. Wang Yaping, a crew member of China's Shenzhou-13 mission, will be
來源: 澎湃新聞網此前終止了在美國IPO計劃的優客工場,終於透過SPAC的方式正式在美國納斯達克上市了。11月18日,優客工場宣佈,11月16日已經獲得Orisun Acquisition Corp股
11月19日,優客工場公告顯示,特殊目的收購公司(SPAC)Orisun Acquisition Corp.和優客工場聯合宣佈完成合並。這意味著優客工場正式以SPAC登陸美股市場,納斯達克交易程式碼為“