The happiness you gave me before is now accompanied by my sadness.
It's nothing to be afraid of or look forward to.
"You can't solve a problem by crying. But you can't solve it by crying."
He missed me to meet someone.
Novelty always lives in the days of uncertain relationships.
我慢慢自愈了 我要变好了 我要开始追求有结果的人和事 总有人翻山越岭为我而来 我会长大的 我的爱也是
I slowly heal, I want to get better, I want to begin to pursue the results of people and things, there are always people over the mountains for me, I will grow up, my love is.
没什么好遗憾的 本就是你情我愿 聚散离合都在情理之中
There is nothing to regret, this is your situation, I would like to leave, leave and all in reason.
Love to love to find that in fact do not love the most happy time.
有一次我在看月亮 这个月亮也不圆 也不亮 又不圆 又不亮 不圆亮啊 不圆亮 你听到了吗 不原谅
One time I was looking at the moon, and the moon was neither round nor bright, nor round nor bright, nor bright.
Waiting for a person's message becomes waiting for a person's visitor record.
"You pretend not to understand, I also pretend to be relaxed, miss, miss, people, always have a little character."
一直主动谁受得了啊 马里奥救公主的路上还都有金币呢
Who can stand the initiative? Mario, there are gold coins on the way to save the princess.
"Afraid of regret, afraid of every choice is not right."
“我经常晚上一个人睡不着的时候 看着窗外 想那些我做过的事 对的 错的 遗憾的
"I often look out of the window at night when I can't sleep and think about the things I've done right or wrong or sorry."
"I want to run away when I'm a little disappointed."
There are always flowers in the unvisited port.
Don't even say good-bye, imp.
我会在凌晨一点 查阅你所有的社交资料 却不跟你说一句话 这就是我自以为是的尊严
I'll go through all your social media profiles at 1:00 in the morning and not say a word to you. That's my self-righteous dignity.
You, like a person at three o'clock in the afternoon, want to do something a little late, let go of it is still a little regrettable.
快乐跟我失联的第124个小时 我真的非常想念你
Happy and I lost contact with the 124th hour, I really miss you.
你才见过几个人啊 怎么就非他不可了
How many people have you met? Why do you have to have him?
我已经厌倦了等待 断断续续的聊天
I'm tired of waiting for the intermittent chat.
讲过去像是在卖惨 讲未来像是在白日做梦 讲现在又是当局者迷 迟迟无话 字字苦酸
Talking about the past is like selling out, talking about the future is like daydreaming, and talking about the present is a mystery to the authorities.
Fortunately, the south wind knows what I mean and blows me to Xizhou.
在互不相理的日子里 其实我一直都在偷偷看你的账号
In fact, I have been looking at your account secretly in the days of no reason.
.我热情有限 你好自为之
I have limited enthusiasm, so you can help yourself
一贫如洗的真心 一事无成的温柔
A penniless sincerity, a tenderness that accomplishes nothing
有些事情说出来显得我不大方 但我确实不开心
It seems that I am not generous to say some things, but I am really unhappy.
Go to the supermarket and listen to the good news when you are depressed.