你真的懂Are you with me什么意思吗?
如果你“真正的”懂得人英语Are you with me,或者I'm not with you这样的表达,说明你一定认认真真地做好了两个语言能力的最基本训练:查了英英字典,用查阅的英英释义训练了英语口语。否则,“只懂得”它“中文什么意思”都打不到提升英语水平的要求,除非你真的英语有机会“学了马上用”,否则最后只会“记住”一大堆中文在脑子里面,所有的仅此而已。
一、查英英字典:be with you meaning
1) to understand what someone is telling you or explaining to you.
如果这句“高中英语”对你的用英语理解英语不成什么问题,就没必要再非得“中文意思是什么”不可了,不仅要记住所学be with you还要同时记住这句高中英语里的用词。
2) I agree with you.
能用这句英语“理解”英语be with you,同样没必要“再问”中文:把它们通通记住,不要只记“中文意思”。
1.Okay.I got you.I know what you mean if you say Are you with me.
2.Are you with me has two meanings.
3.If someone says Are you with me,they mean Do you undetstand what I'm saying or explaining to you? Can you follow me?
4.If someone says Are you with me,they also mean I agree with you.I'm on your side.
For example:
1.Ugh, why did we have to get up so darn early?
Hey, I'm with you—I'd rather sleep in. This early wake-up call was all Mom's idea.
2. I'm afraid I'm not quite with you.