Plenary sessions of the Central Committee are convened by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and are to be convened at least once annually. The Political Bureau shall report on its work at the plenary sessions and accept their oversight. When the National Congress is not in session, the Central Committee shall carry out its resolutions, direct all Party work, and represent the Communist Party of China in external relations.
中央委员会全体会议由中央政治局召集,每年至少举行一次。中央政治局向中央委员会全体会议报告工作,接受监督。在全国代表大会闭会期间,中央委员会执行全国代表大会的决议,领导党的全部工作,对外代表中国共产党。中国共产党百科∣中央委员会全体会议 plenary sessions of the Central Committee
版权声明:本文源自 网络, 于,由 楠木轩 整理发布,共 596 字。
转载请注明: 中国共产党百科∣中央委员会全体会议 plenary sessions of the Central Committee - 楠木轩