01 当地时间4月3日 美国一位亚裔妇女遛狗时被刺身亡 在亚特兰大枪击案后 亚裔群体再度受伤 After the Atlanta shooting that targeted Asians in March, another Asian woman was killed while walking her dogs on April 3.
02 实在太过分! 当地警方说不是种族仇恨 但为什么受害的总是亚裔人群? The local police said it is not a hate crime, but why are Asians always the victims?
03 在美国种族歧视的历史上 亚裔的遭遇和其他有色人种一样 In the history of the US, Asians have suffered as much as any other colored race;
04 同为黄种人的印第安人 被攻击到几乎文化断根 Even native Americans, with a similar color of skin, were massacred.
05 后来再移民到美国的亚裔 也一直被当二等公民 Since their first appearance in the US, Asians have been treated as inferior citizens.
06 即使到了种族歧视被唾弃的今天 美国“政治正确”的曙光 也从未照到亚裔群体身上 Today there is finally political correctness, but that light does not shine upon Asians.
07 特别是华裔 因为美国从棺材里 爬出的麦卡锡主义 Chinese Americans suffered more because of the rise of McCarthyism
08 和反华势力的兴起 还要多受一层气 and the banging on the anti-China drum again.
09 有人说因为亚裔脾气好 遇事很少闹 Some say Asian Americans are shy and mild,
10 那美国是怎样的国度 安分守己的族群就被人欺负? but that is no excuse of them being bullied and attacked.
11 亚裔遭遇的问题 说明美国种族撕裂已是顽疾 And hate against Asians is only part of the racist problem in the US,
12 明里暗里的“白人至上” 正像一只拳头打在美国自己脸上 which is suffering from its white supremacism
13 人为制造的族群仇恨 正在让美国社会撕裂越来越深 and the deep divides caused by racism.
14 也让美国自封的“人权”教师爷 沦为笑柄传遍全世界 It has made the US, the self-proclaimed champion of human rights, a laughing stock.
15 所有人都能看到美国种族问题 但至今没人知道解决方案在哪里 Everybody sees it, but no one can solve it.
16 只有根本性变革 才能让各种族团结 不再撕裂 Only unity that goes beyond racial groups can end the hate in the US.
17 但美国已积重难返 何时才能迎来那一天? When will the US be free from racism and see true racial equality? 漫画 / 中国日报美术部 监制 / 柯荣谊 联合监制 / 邢志刚 统筹 / 张若琼来源:中国日报双语新闻