Qiushi Journal | 构建新发展格局必须坚持以国内大循环为主体,推动国内国际双循环相互促进


Double development dynamic


It is vital that China prioritizes internal flows in the new development dynamic, as domestic flows are the foundation of the double development dynamic and a discernible strength of major economies. As a developing socialist country, China has long been committed to development characterized by independence and self-reliance and to achieving development on its own terms. To construct a new development dynamic, China must pursue a higher level of self-reliance amid new conditions. In the process, it should be borne in mind that the key to preventing and mitigating risks and hazards and responding positively to challenges posed by the changing external environment lies in handling domestic affairs well. Adherence to this principle and self-reliance means China has been able to absorb external risks and shocks since the launch of reform and opening up. Given the unstable and unpredictable global situation, China can guarantee high-quality economic development and seize the initiative by exploiting its enormous market, strengthening its capacity for independent development, and boosting the internal economy.


Interplay between internal and external economic flows should be stressed in the course of constructing the new development dynamic. It has been asked whether prioritizing internal flows means closing China’s doors. The answer is no. The objective is not to close China’s doors again; it is to strike a better balance between openness and independence, as well as between domestic and international considerations, and open the Chinese market further. As the international market is an extension of the domestic one, smoother macro development in the domestic economy will cause more global resources to gravitate toward China, helping to meet domestic demand, improve China’s industrial technology, and give China a new edge in international economic cooperation and competition. Given the recent increase in protectionism, downturn in the world economy, and contraction of the global market, China should take full advantage of its enormous market and use its economic prosperity and unimpeded internal flows to drive economic development domestically and contribute to global economic prosperity.

(Excerpts from Creating New Economic Miracles Using the New Development Dynamic, Qiushi Journal, No. 01, 2021 )


版权声明:本文源自 网络, 于,由 楠木轩 整理发布,共 3012 字。

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