

From I hate myself for loving you in the 1980s, when pop music started to be popular, to the 1990s, when the Chinese pop rose and then disco in the 2000s, people here never felt panic or pretentious, nor sorrow. Many love songs in the memories are learned from the Waltz that the parents danced. In the dance hall, in dance steps, in music, we see a more colorful world.

从 I hate myself for loving you欧美流行乐开始盛行的1980,到羞答答的玫瑰静悄悄开在了1990,再到2000年后假装告别的拜拜 disco。在水晶宫里,人们不魔幻不狂躁不矫情,也没有什么好伤感。童年记忆里的好多情歌,都是在爸爸妈妈的华尔兹慢三舞步中学来的。在舞池中,在迈步间,在音乐里,我们看到了更多彩的世界。

版权声明:本文源自 网络, 于,由 楠木轩 整理发布,共 546 字。

转载请注明: 在舞池中,在迈步间,在音乐里……童年记忆里的好多情歌,都是在爸爸妈妈的华尔兹舞步中学来的 - 楠木轩