擁有壯美自然景觀的山東,鍾靈毓秀,美不勝收;擁有“孔孟之鄉、禮儀之邦”美譽的山東,歷史悠久,文化燦爛;擁有大氣魯菜和精緻小吃的山東,熱氣騰騰,珍饈飄香......《In Shandong》原創英文系列視頻,邀請外國友人一起品鑑山東的“顏值”“滋味”和“內涵”,一起走近勤勞聰慧的山東人。
The hustle and bustle of the city life starts with breakfast.A bowl of Salty Soup paired with two hot Jinan-style Scallion Rolls makes the perfect breakfast for people in Jinan,Shandong.
Scallion Roll, a famous snack in Jinan, looks like a spiral, with an oily golden surface.It’s crispy on the outside, tender on the inside , with a strong aroma of green onion emanating from the hollow roll.There are two types of Scallion Rolls: round and oval ones. The Scallion Roll must be eaten while it is hot. When it gets cold, it collapses and cannot be crispy.To get a more exquisite and delicious roll , some people even poke a hole in the Scallion Roll after it’s done, put an egg inside, and then bake them in the oven till they merge into one.
Jinan-style Scallion Roll was recorded in the Qing Dynasty. Twelve procedures such as kneading dough, oiling, shaping dough, baking, roasting, spinning,and the like make the Scallion Roll so unique. The most exquisite procedure was kneading dough, which was repeated hundreds of times in a special way and ended up in almost 60 crispy layers.
According to legend, Scallion Roll was learned in Nanjing by the three brothers of the Xu family during the Qing Dynasty when they went to the South to explore. The original taste of Scallion Roll in the South is sweet. After the Xu brothers came to Jinan, they changed Scallion Roll into salty flavor according to the dietary characteristics of the Northerners, which has been passed down to the present day.
城市最動人的煙火氣從早餐開始。“來倆油旋兒,一碗甜沫。” 有這樣完美組合的早餐開啓了山東濟南人民忙碌的一天。