網友將圖片放大後發現,上邊記錄的全是阿科斯塔去年參與的新聞報道活動,堪稱美國過去一年的“黑歷史”。文字是這樣寫的:“在過去一年,我報道了彈劾審判、黨團會議之夜、大選初選、新冠疫情、經濟崩潰、反種族主義示威抗議、拉斐特廣場、很多集會、大法官金斯伯格之死、特朗普感染新冠、最高法大法官提名確認、選舉之夜、推特上的事、重新計票、總統交接。我這件紀念衫記錄下了這一切。”(In 2020, I covered the impeachment trial & a caucus night (that lasted a week) & the primaries & the covid pandemic & the economic crash & the racial justice protests & Lafayette Square & so many rallies & the death of RBG & the presiden”s 1AM coronavirus diagnosis & a Supreme Court confirmation & an election night (that lasted a week) & things by tweet & the recounts & the presidential transition & I have the commemorative shirt to prove.)
來源:參考消息/薛帆 馬楚雨