GAME 1:100T vs CFO
Damn NA are just unbeatable. In the opening games of week 2.- 1-5 The dream媽呀我們NA在第二輪的第一把簡直無敵- 1-5不是夢!
(GAM在100T獲勝後發了一張各組1-5隊伍的圖片)That's all I could think after that win. "Oh cool, all the minor region teams got at least one win!”- Smh RGE refusing to go along with everyone else. Do friendship and unity mean nothing to them?!- RGE with a sign of relief they didn't get NA on first match.這場比賽打完我就是這麼想的 “太好了,所有小賽區的隊伍都至少獲得了一勝!”(NA已被四大賽區除名)- 然而RGE好像拒絕了共進退, 友誼和團隊對他們來説一文不值嗎?- RGE發現他們第一把不是打NA鬆了口氣Already a better week 2 record than the LEC and they haven't even played all their games yet. We are living in the darkest timeline.- LCS still can't beat good teams though, it's just oysters and EU(NA)目前第二輪的戰績已經超過了LEC,後面還有兩把呢- 然而LCS還是贏不了強隊,也就贏贏牡蠣和EU啦TSM AND CLUTCH GAMING STAND ALONE AT 0-6- The biggest losers this week is TSM. What kind of garbage team goes 0-6 in groups.- *What kind of garbage first seed goes 0-6.Clutch's 0-6 was respectable. It was like EG this year, although EG did win a game.- Clutch went 0-6 as the 3 seed in a really hard group and looked decent enough, even tho they didn’t win a game it was a respectable performance- That was the SKT, RNG, FNC group yeah? Very respectable 0-6. Those teams were cracked只有TSM和CG還被掛在0-6的恥辱柱上- 本週最大輸家是TSM。 什麼垃圾隊伍小組賽能一把都贏不了啊- *是什麼垃圾一號種子能0-6啊CG的0-6還能洗一洗。他們和今年EG一樣是三號種子,雖然EG也贏了一把- CG當年三號種子還被分進了死亡之組而且打得也不丟人。雖然他們一把沒贏,但他們的表現值得尊敬(S9世界賽CG被分到了SKT,RNG,FNC那組)HOPIUM- 100T 3-3 win tiebreaker ggez. Na makes quarters.- How dare you speak the unlikely truth相信!- 100T 3-3贏加賽出線!NA小組賽突圍!- 你居然敢把這種夢話説出來…If there's anything I've learned at Worlds, it's that the Shurima Shuffle is some bullshit世界賽感想: 沙皇迴旋推就特麼離譜
GAME 2:GEN vs CFOfor fun scrim, nothing to see here- Glad Riot are finally showing them on stage. Now we will see how much scrim results actually mean.就是訓練賽玩玩罷了, 沒啥好看的Crawling Oysters sadge.爬行的牡蠣,嘖嘖 (CFO的隊名直譯是飛翔的牡蠣)Lucian looks illegal in the hands of good ADCs- Yeah people were saying Ruler looked so good this summer only bc of Sivir/Zeri meta, when his Lucian and Kalista were absolutely lethal and prob his best champions.- Ruler on Senna is something I never want to see again. Such a crime to put him on such a champ- What makes Ruler an exceptional adc is his laning power and the pressure he puts outSimiliar to JKL, Deft, Uzi etc.. imaging putting these ADCs on senna- JKL looked good on Senna, weirdly盧錫安有個好技師看起來也太強了- 是這樣的。很多人説Ruler只是在輪子媽/澤麗版本才強,但他的盧錫安和滑板鞋也很致命,可能是他玩得最好的兩個英雄- 我不想看見他選賽娜了。給他選這玩意兒就是在犯罪- Ruler強就強在他的對線能力和壓制力上。就像JKL,Deft,Uzi一樣,給這幫人選賽娜真不中- 詭異的是JKL賽娜倒是玩挺好Ruler is illegal. the guy is an absolute cheat code and has been for half a decade almostunfair to other teams. he should get one of those aram/urf balance adjustments, Ruler -15% damage dealt +15% damage taken- He has improved so fucking much since he made that mistake against SKT in world finals 2016,that was his turning pointRuler太誇張了。這人簡直開掛了,而且過去這五年都這麼強,對其他隊伍就不公平。應該給他整個大亂鬥/無限火力的平衡性增益。Ruler -15%輸出傷害,+15%承受傷害- 從S6決賽失誤之後他進步了太多,那場比賽是他職業生涯的轉折點LCK looking clean in week 2第二輪的LCK看起來很有統治力The expectations this sub has for GENG is honestly insane. If they arent up 10k at 8 minutes then theyre just bad I guess.這論壇對GenG的期望也太高了。他們只要沒有8分鐘領先一萬就是沒打好
GAME 3:RNG vs 100TI feel nothing- Hopium withdrawals really suck我覺得還好- 失去希望的感覺真是糟糕I never thought they had a chance, but they put up a good fight this game imo.我從來不覺得他們有機會,但他們這把確實打出了風采WHYYYYYYYYYY GIVE ME HOPE為——什——麼——要給我希望It was legit a repeat of the Sivir-Yummi vs Seraphine JDG-G2 game.When the Seraphine team starts doing things and winning some fights the Sivir-Yummi inmediately outscales the comp and teamfights become impossible這簡直就是完美復刻JDG打G2那把輪子媽貓vs薩勒芬妮薩勒芬妮方開始做事和贏團的時候,輪子媽貓咪立刻站出來讓團戰變得毫無希望Yuumi - Sivir, I never trusted them no matter how good they were playing.對面有輪子媽+貓,哪怕他們打得再好我都覺得沒戲100t really banned Galio and Lissandra round one, gave over Yuumi, and got ran over by Xiaohu’s Akali anyway :/- 10k damage in a single teamfight- Must have ulted through the entire team lol- From a mid lane assassin too. When was the last time we saw numbers that crazy?100T 前三手ban掉了加里奧和冰女,代價是放了貓咪,然後還是被小虎的阿卡麗薄紗了:/- 一波團1萬傷害- 估計是大招穿了整個100T- 這可是個中單刺客。我都不記得上次看到這麼誇張的數據是什麼時候了…