

Entering a new stage of development, applying a new development philosophy, and building a new development dynamic are closely interrelated


To sum up, entering a new stage of development, applying a new development philosophy, and building a new development dynamic are determined by the logic of China’s economic and social development theory, history, and practices. These three elements are closely interrelated. Our entry into the new development stage clarifies the historic juncture that national development has reached, the new development philosophy makes clear the guiding principles behind our modernization drive, and the new development dynamic elucidates the path that will take us to economic modernization. An understanding of the new development stage will provide us with the practical basis for applying the new development philosophy and creating a new development dynamic. The new development philosophy will provide us with a guide for understanding the new development stage and creating a new development dynamic. Creating a new development dynamic, on the other hand, is a strategic choice regarding our response to the opportunities and challenges in the new development stage and the implementation of the new development philosophy.

(Excerpts from Understanding the New Development Stage, Applying the New Development Philosophy, and Creating a New Development Dynamic, Qiushi Journal, No. 3, 2021)


版權聲明:本文源自 網絡, 於,由 楠木軒 整理發佈,共 1684 字。

轉載請註明: 進入新發展階段、貫徹新發展理念、構建新發展格局三者緊密關聯 - 楠木軒