
Photo by Alexas Fotos from Pexels

“朝三暮四”,漢語成語,字面意思是“three in the morning and four in the evening”,比喻常常變卦,反覆無常(change one's mind frequently)。與英文習語“chop and change”意思相近,表示“to continually change one's course of action, to the confusion or irritation of others”。


我希望你不要總是朝三暮四的。I hope you not chop and change your mind so often.

在女人這方面,他也許會朝三暮四,但是談及美食與美酒時,他卻深知自己的喜好,並且一成不變。He may chop and change when it comes to women, but when it comes to food and drink, he knows what he likes and sticks to it.

Editor: Jade

版權聲明:本文源自 網絡, 於,由 楠木軒 整理發佈,共 504 字。

轉載請註明: 一課譯詞:朝三暮四 - 楠木軒