中國共產黨百科∣黨的中央委員會 the Central Committee of the Party

The Central Committee of the Party is elected for a term of five years. In the event that a National Congress is convened early or postponed, the term shall be shortened or extended accordingly. The length of Party membership of Central Committee members or alternate members must be a minimum of five years. The number of members and alternate members of a Central Committee shall be determined by the National Congress. Empty seats on the Central Committee shall be filled by alternate members in order of the number of votes they were elected by.


版權聲明:本文源自 網絡, 於,由 楠木軒 整理發佈,共 668 字。

轉載請註明: 中國共產黨百科∣黨的中央委員會 the Central Committee of the Party - 楠木軒