On Jan 2, 1983, the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee recognized the Contract Responsibility System as a great creation of Chinese farmers under the leadership of the Party. Starting in October, the work of setting up township governments and establishing various patterns of cooperative economy was carried out throughout the country, and the people's commune system was abolished.
1983年1月2日,中共中央肯定聯產承包制是在黨的領導下中國農民的偉大創造。10月起,建立鄉、鎮政府和各種合作經濟形式的工作在全國展開,人民公社體制廢除。中國共產黨百科∣聯產承包制 the Contract Responsibility System
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轉載請註明: 中國共產黨百科∣聯產承包制 the Contract Responsibility System - 楠木軒