Qiushi Journal | 人類命運共同體理念被寫入哪些國際性檔案


The concept of “a global community with a shared future” has been included in many international documents


The concept has been included in numerous international documents, including the resolution entitled Social Dimension of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development approved by the UN Commission for Social Development on February 10, 2017; the UN Security Council’s Resolution 2344 on Afghanistan on March 17; the UN Human Rights Council’s resolutions on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Right to Food on March 23; and the UN General Assembly’s resolutions on Further Practical Measures for the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space and No First Placement of Weapons in Outer Space on November 2. These inclusions are testament to the widespread recognition President Xi’s concept has already achieved among the international community. It serves as the greatest common divisor among people from all over the world who wish for peace, development, and prosperity, and it signals the way forward for better global development, with the help of Chinese wisdom and approaches.

(Excerpts from Applying Chinese Wisdom and Approaches to Humanity’s Future by Institute of Party History and Literature of CPC Central Committee, Qiushi Journal, No. 01, 2021 )


版權宣告:本文源自 網路, 於,由 楠木軒 整理釋出,共 1572 字。

轉載請註明: Qiushi Journal | 人類命運共同體理念被寫入哪些國際性檔案 - 楠木軒