

巴羅洛廚師長Gianluca Visani來自意大利北部,擁有豐富烹飪經驗的他將典雅高貴的意大利美食帶到京城,為您演繹正宗意式美味。Gianluca的美食魔法書記錄了他的私房菜和烹飪方法,為您帶來意樣驚喜!Gianluca Visani, Italian Chef of Barolo, worked everywhere from Europe to Asia, now he brought the taste of traditional Italian home cooking by presenting diners the vibrancy and romance of Italy with a burst of flavors through new creations. A gastronomic experience of discovery and delight!

By 北京麗思卡爾頓    【豆果美食官方認證達人】

1、茄子與蒜和迷迭香一同放入烤箱,在150攝氏度下烤2個小時。Cook in oven at 150°C for 2 hours with garlic and rosemary.

2、將鱸魚片煎至魚皮酥脆。Sear the seabass on the skin till crispy.

3、將魚裹上酥皮焗烤。Coat it with crust and bake it under an overhead grill or broiler 4 until it form a golden crust on top.

4、根據個人喜好用其餘材料裝盤。Prepare the dishes as your preference with remaining ingredients.

Seabass Fillet in Crust with Eggplant and Tomato Coulisse來自:北京麗思卡爾頓酒店二層 巴羅洛意大利餐廳


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轉載請註明: 香煎海鱸魚柳伴嫩茄配番茄汁 - 楠木軒