影片開始於1861年美國南北戰爭爆發前夕,佐治亞州一個名叫塔拉(Tara)的莊園。斯佳麗·奧哈拉(Scarlett O'Hara)是莊園主愛爾蘭移民傑拉爾德·奧哈拉(Gerald O'Hara)和妻子埃倫(Ellen)的三個女兒中的長女。她愛上了阿希禮·威爾克斯(Ashley Wilkes),而阿希禮卻選擇了表妹梅勒妮·漢密爾頓(Melanie Hamilton),並定於次日在十二橡園舉行燒烤宴會,同時宣佈兩人訂婚. . .
1.如果我不是個淑女 我一定會好好罵罵這女人
Oh, if l just wasn't a ladywhat wouldn't l tell that varmint!
2.斯卡莉, 你是在告訴我 這片土地對你毫無意義嗎?土地是世上唯一值得你 為它奉獻...值得為它奮鬥.犧牲的事物 因為它是唯一永存的東西
You mean to tell me, Katie Scarlett O'Hara, that land doesn't mean anything to you?Why, land is the only thing in the worldworth working for...worth fighting for, worth dying for, because it's the only thing that lasts.
3.我很生氣!浪費總是令我生氣 而這一切都白白浪費了
l'm angry. Waste always makes me angry.And that's what all this is, sheer waste.
4.過去為生存而提出的目標 已消失在我們眼前
The cause of living in the past is dyingright in front of us.
5.像農工一樣大吃 像豬仔一樣狼吞虎嚥
and eat like a field handand gobble like a hog!
6.這麼説好像我比那個穿長褲的 老處女更找不到伴似的
As if l couldn't get a better beauthan that old maid in britches.
Gentlemen can always fight betterthan rabble.
What gentlemen says and what they thinksis two different things.
9.我的心一直是你的 上面還留有你的齒痕呢
You've always had mine.You cut your teeth on it.
10.讓我無助地留在這裏 你才真的該羞愧而死
You should die of shameto leave me here alone and helpless!
l love you morethan l've ever loved any woman.And l've waited longer for youthan l've ever waited for any woman.
12.我發現金錢是世上 最重要的東西 我不希望再受沒有錢的折磨
I found out that money isthe most important thing in the world...and l don't intend ever to bewithout it again.
13.若你是男人 我會扭斷你的頸子
lf you were a manl'd break your neck for that.
14.那就是泰拉 這就是你力量的源泉,泰拉的紅土 是你力量的泉源
This from which you get your strength.