The functions and powers of a local Party congress, at every level, are as follows: 1) to hear and examine the reports of the local Party committee at the corresponding level; 2) to examine the reports of the local commission for discipline inspection at the corresponding level; 3) to discuss and adopt resolutions on major issues within the scope of its local area; and 4) to elect the local Party committee and commission for discipline inspection at the corresponding level.
黨的地方各級代表大會的職權是:(一)聽取和審查同級委員會的報告;(二)審查同級紀律檢查委員會的報告;(三)討論本地區範圍內的重大問題並作出決議;(四)選舉同級黨的委員會,選舉同級黨的紀律檢查委員會。中國共產黨百科∣黨的地方各級代表大會的職權 functions and powers of a local Party congress
版權聲明:本文源自 網絡, 於,由 楠木軒 整理發佈,共 577 字。
轉載請註明: 中國共產黨百科∣黨的地方各級代表大會的職權 functions and powers of a local Party congress - 楠木軒