巴基斯坦《每日時報》(Daily Times)3月4日發表評論文章稱,兩會的召開不僅會對中國發展產生巨大影響,對世界發展也具有重大意義。文章提到:
China has achieved the highest percentage of economic growth, and no pandemic or any challenge will slow this down. Due to its sustainable growth model, China has built the trust of global investors. In 2021, China announced the end of poverty in the country, with millions of people coming out of poverty. China has created millions of job opportunities and offered a social security system covering nearly one billion people across China. This miraculous development and historic accomplishment have been recognized globally. The country is in a moderately prosperous society having a threshold to achieve and build hopes for people in the future. As these sessions will be happening soon, one aspect is sure, that is, if China prospers, the world will benefit, including Pakistan.中國實現了經濟高速增長,疫情或任何挑戰都不會改變經濟向好趨勢。由於中國一直堅持可持續發展模式,全球投資者為中國經濟投下信任票。2021年,中國宣告脱貧攻堅戰取得了全面勝利,數千萬人口脱貧。中國創造了數以百萬計的就業機會,建成了世界上規模最大的社會保障體系,基本養老保險覆蓋超10億人。這一奇蹟般的發展成就得到了全世界的廣泛認可。中國已經全面建成小康社會,人民對未來充滿希望。隨着兩會的召開,有一點可以確定,那就是,一個繁榮、開放的中國令世界受益,包括巴基斯坦。
China is marching forward with confidence and building a shared destiny for people across the globe. Only through steady and sustainable ways of achieving objectives can the world follow in the Chinese footsteps and wisdom.中國正在自信前行,為構建人類命運共同體作出中國貢獻。世界應該從中國發展歷史中汲取中國智慧,從而實現穩健可持續的發展。