其實一個人過冬開始是不習慣的,漸漸的就習慣了一個人生活,雖然手還是很會被凍得通紅,但是一個人過冬的感覺很好,因為沒有負擔。In fact, one is not used to living alone at the beginning of winter. Although one's hands are still very red with cold, it feels good to spend the winter alone because there is no burden.
車與車相撞是車禍 人與人相撞是愛情 可現實呢 車與車總是相讓 人與人總是錯過 就很像車禍很少遇見 你我難遇愛情.Car-to-car collision is a car accident. It's love but reality. Car-to-car always gives way. People always miss it. It's just like a car accident. I seldom meet you.