Qiushi Journal | 經濟全球化是不可逆轉的歷史潮流
Economic globalization is an irreversible historical trend
Economic globalization has experienced roughly three stages. The first was the stage of colonial expansionism and world market formation. In this stage, all countries were drawn into the world economic system. The second stage saw two parallel world markets, or two opposing blocs and markets, prevail after World War II. The third stage is the stage of economic globalization, in which world economic integration has accelerated since the end of the Cold War. Uneven factor endowments among countries and an ever-finer division of labor along international lines have been important forces for economic globalization. All countries face shortages of natural resources, capital, labor, technology, and markets to greater or lesser degree, as well as restrictions on their division of labor determined by the size of their markets. The geographical discoveries of the 15th century opened the way for the formation of a world market. Thereafter, scientific, technological, and industrial revolutions provided the material and technological foundations for economic globalization. Several rounds of industrial transformation dramatically reduced the cost of goods transportation, the dissemination of information, and the movement of people. In particular, new technological revolutions such as the internet have led to a leveling out in the world and to a degree of interdependence hitherto unknown. The international economic governance system and the post-Cold War market reforms have served as institutional guarantors for economic globalization. After World War II, the Bretton Woods system and the three pillars of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the IMF, and the World Bank emerged as an institutional framework for global economic governance. Coupled with the market reforms of emerging economies after the end of the Cold War, these drove a major upsurge in economic globalization.
In summary, economic globalization is an objective historical process driven jointly by the development of productive forces and changes to the relations of production; it is not determined by the will of man. In the past, plagues, wars, and crises have impeded economic globalization, yet ultimately, its great surge continues ever onward.
(Excerpts from Understanding the Great Trend of Economic Globalization and Expanding Opening Up on All Fronts by CPC Leadership Group of the Ministry of Commerce, Qiushi Journal, No. 01, 2021)