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Game 1 FNC vs C9

Great jungle performance from Razork. Managed to get all 3 C9 lanes ahead!

---Malrang brainwashing all EU junglers into thinking jarvan is a good pick. What a disgusting performance from razork

---Razork finally managed to carry a team

---never seen a worse jarvan in pro play in my entire life and i'm not joking... 5 immobile enemy champions, 0 EQ landed.



---Razork 總算C了隊伍一次了


hyli legit plays like he thinks every support is just pyke with a different skin

---that soraka flank sure was nasty, lmao.



America and the whole world had a dream. But week 1 FNC arrived and destroyed it. RIP 0:18

---As an NA fan going 1-17 but denying FNC quarters>>>0-18



Go 0-9 first week

Spoil EU's chance of making it out of groups in second week

Refuses to elaborate

Leaves for airport speedrun





Game 2 T1 vs FNC

Keep giving Sivir Yuumi over, I'm sure next time will be different!

---Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.



all of t1 really saw hyli as free real estate the entire game lmao

---is it time for Rhuckz

--- Nah just let Hyli int 3 games back to back.




FNC fans, week 2 Worlds buff already expired...we’re in week 3

--- No Rekkles no quarters ?



EU teams ban Yuumi challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


FNC doesn't scrim, and considering they didn't ban Yuumi, they don't analyze games either. What do they do?

- Coach probably too busy shopping in a gucci store



FNATIC: Hyli has unexpectedly broke both his hands backstage, so we need rhuckz for the rest of worlds. Unfortunate situation really...


Game 3 C9 vs EDG

Rip C9 miracle run hype train October 13-October 13th

GG EDG, man they looked so fucking good this game.

--- They might even win worlds someday.

--- Unlike NA :D

--- NA fucked up in not hosting a World Championship with just themselves. Could've crowned themselves world champs without inviting anyone else like the NFL and MLB

安息吧,C9從10/13 到10/13的高潮。GG EDG,他們看起來真tm的猛啊。




Might have lasted longer if C9 didn't get immediate amnesia after finally winning a game lmfao. That has to be the hugest strategic int I've ever seen from a team.

Lose 3 games playing carry top and mid.

Win a game playing tank top and support mid with hypercarry bot.

Go back to first strategy in do or die game.

Max Waldo should never be a head coach ever again.

--- If you ask the players to play something they don't want to, you get fired. Don't forget!

--- Trust the system!

本來可以堅持的久一點的,如果C9沒有在終於贏下一局後立馬失憶的話。 打了三把中上輸了三把,總算用坦克上單和輔助性中單和下路大核贏了一局,然後馬上就回到之前輸掉的戰術




game was legit 5v4 for EDG, Fudge might as well have been a melee minion

這把對EDG是純純的5v4。 Fudge跟個近戰兵沒兩樣

Got one win to ruin the 0-18.

Got one kill to ruin EDG's perfect game.

--- We do a little trolling

拿下一個勝場打亂了0-18 的夢想



idk guys i think kaisa is a solid ban

its not like viper has an aphelios skin or anything

--- When your support is autofilled I don't think it matters what the enemy AD is you're probably gonna lose lol



Fudge: Wait, you guys actually expected more wins?? I promised we’d get at least 1 win and there you have it. We’re back to being bad LOL

Oh and those who doubted us, thinking we couldn’t win 1 game, go fuck yourselves


哦對了,那些懷疑我們一場都贏不下的,fuck yourselves.

Game 4 FNC vs EDG

so I guess now we know what Fnatic Week 3 is

現在我們知道FNC 的第三週是什麼表現了

They didn’t get any T2 Turret today




Fine, now let's try BOTH C9 and FNC against EDG. Bet they won't look so hot then!

---More people to kill= More gold for EDG = faster scaling= Faster game



my name is meiko,i am 17 years old and my favorite champion is nami and thresh!


0/16/10 for Hilyssang today, strong performance from him

海麗桑今天的kda 0/16/10,還是同往常一樣給力呢

Game 5 T1 vs C9

Zven: If you pick Fiora again, so I’ll play Heimer support

Fudge: deal

---Everyone picking for fun and Fudge decided to embarass himself on Fiora one more time

---Fudge truly representing NA, the 4fun region, by picking 4fun throughout the tournament except one tryhard game to fuck over EU.

---even in defeat we still hate EU


Fudge:彳 亍



Did you outplay Faker?

Jensen: Yes.

And what did it cost?

Jensen: Everything.





Win or lose, what matters is Jensen clapped Faker multiple times this game.


Fudge preserves his 100% win rate on tanks


JENSEN VS FAKER AT THE END SO POG! jensen tried to clap faker like he promised all those years ago.

最後Jensen vs Faker 燃爆了!Jensen成功的實現了他要把faker打爆的承諾

Game 6 EDG vs T1

Faker has still only ever exited groups in first place


T1 is like Brazil at the FIFA World Cup. They may not always be the favorite to win the tournament, but they are always guaranteed to dominate the group stage.


And fudge tried to counter pick that guy LMAO

---There’s a reason Flandre hasn’t even thought twice about locking tanks against Zeus.



these guys make support look so easy holy shit


Faker getting camped the whole day: "You camped the wrong lane motherfuckers"


It's just a Zeus gap.

--- God gap



Frontline Soraka > Flanking Soraka

